Precious-Jewel Akibon

4 years ago

Only positive thing for me at this hotel was the v...

Only positive thing for me at this hotel was the view of the Dome from this hotel (I'm a saints fan so that meant something to me). The rest was not my cup of tea!

I always find it hard to take name brand hotels seriously because they always suuuck. Lobby area is always so put together, but the most important place (Room), is usually an eyesore! I was here for business, price was $179/night and I was supposedly on one of the "VIP" floors of this hotel - 22nd floor out of 27 (rolling eyes).

Check-in was good, nothing extraordinary. Walked in my room to old musty smell! Looked at sheets to make sure it was clean(no issues here). Sheets felt like sand paper (whatever, I'll deal with it, I tell myself)! Then I go to the bathroom to see what I'm working with, annoyingly small, again (deal with it i tell myself).

Late night I go to take a shower, turn on the hot water and close the shower door to run the water for a little, the truth comes to light. Steam hits shower door, and all you can see is white scum on the door . I'm tired at this point its past 2am, I'm choosing to deal with it, smh as I tell myself don't let your body touch the shower, you'll be okay. Then I step into the shower, and it's got some slimy stuff on the tiles ewwww ! Too late now, I have to go for it. Water pressure sucked toooo.

Get out of the shower grab the phone and let front desk know that I need to speak with housekeeping manager in the AM. She calls me about 10am in the morning, I let her know situation, and advice, please have your people come clean this shower Asap! Apologies from her, "you shouldn't even have to ask, I'd inspect myself, and make sure it's done" she says. I was happy something would be done, off I go to my business meeting.

I get back to my room around 545ish, towels still on the floor of bathroom, I'm thinking uhmmm, maybe someone was here to clean, but left towels since I opted for the "go green" thingy. I change and off I go again to catch some fun. I get to my room about 4am, need to take a serious shower and hug that uncomfortable bed before next event lol....same shower routine as day 1, and there's the soap scum from day 1 !!! I'll go for it again and make another call before I pass out.

Same thing around 1150ish in the morning, talk with Asst. Housekeeping Mngr this time, he goes "so sorry sending someone up right away". I literally waited over an hour, housekeeping shows up with a shower curtain ... i had to laugh, told her I need bathroom cleaned, she says okay, but never comes back.

Friend texts for us to go to lunch about 130, Its about 1245pm now. I head to go freshen up and get ready, I hear knock on the door. Housekeeping is here to clean... I open the door and tell the lady i need 20 mins to get ready before she comes in to clean, she says ok! 30 -40 mins later, no lady. I open the door to make sure she's not waiting for me to let her in, she's not there. To sum this story up, no one ever showed up to clean the shower.

Of course, I get a survey, I tell them how my stay was....Asst. Housekeeping Mngr, same one I spoke to I think, emails me back and talks a bunch of Gibberish, and doesn't address them dropping the ball. This place was a disappointment!


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