Mani Francis

4 years ago

The issue of BTS promoting "Nazism" is actually pa...

The issue of BTS promoting "Nazism" is actually part of a highly organized smear campaign started by far right wing nationalists in Japan. BTS is being attacked by a hate group that wants Japan to be "pure" again. They don't want Koreans (or Chinese, Thai, etc.) in their country and by using BTS---the largest, most popular Korean band in Japan---they can further their agenda by trying to defame their name.

What's sad is they were successful in deceiving western media who have literally been spreading misinformation and propaganda from a hate group. Imagine if the BBC or NY Times published a story with the source from the KKK or Neo-Nazis. They have showed complete lack of journalistic integrity. Not only have they tarnished BTS's name, but the members--first Jimin, now Taehyung--are receiving credible threats from this hate group while touring in Japan. Western media has a duty to report this story correctly but have instead remained silent. Despicable.


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