Karen ToBeSure

4 years ago

It was the Covid19 lockdown...

It was the Covid19 lockdown...
The date was June 2nd 2020 and although I hate dentists (due to past experiences at other dentists)...
I needed to see a dentist urgently ; I had a huge abscess in my gum (my right side of my face and neck was quite awollen) I was given, the 3 lots of antibiotics from a local dentist, which helped temporarily, but I was in so much pain, that I couldn't eat or sleep and I was referred to Bhandal Dentist Practice, to get emergency treatment.
I am petrified of dentists and concerned about Coronavirus, but ALL the staff, at Bhandals, were wearing PPE and were friendly, kind and put me at ease.
I was given an xray and my gum was numbed and amazingly, I didn't feel the needles.
The Dentist talked me through everything, he was doing.
He was gentle and I didn't feel any pain or discomfort, when he pulled the tooth out.
I knew, the gum would be sore, once the numbing had worn off, but honestly, the soreness was minimal and a couple of ibuprofen, was enough pain killer.

I've had teeth pulled out before, by other dentists and I've always suffered with a dry socket, which is extremely painful, so I spoke to the Dentist at Bhandals, about my fear of suffering with a dry socket, but thankfully, I didn't get a dry socket and my gum has healed.
It was the tooth and the whole tooth that was extracted...
I knew this, because the Dentist, gave me my pulled tooth ; I have never been given, my pulled tooth before at previous dentists and I'm glad I was given it, as I could see, that nothing had been left behind in my gum.
Thank you Bhandal Dental Practice Regards Karen.T


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