3 years ago


GYPED/SCREWED/SWINDLED/DISRESPECTED is how we felt. My family and I, sympathetic to Native Americans, were initially excited to visit this memorial. We ended up being charged TWENTY-EIGHT DOLLARS for entrance, and then some lady outside the payment booth asked us for an additional 3$ for some "Volkmarch" which she didn't even bother explaining. We declined, and ended up getting rudely treated by some wannabe security guard who told us "YOU DIDN'T PAY FOR THE VOLKMARCH, SO YOU CAN'T SEE THE MONUMENT".....sarcastically, he said to us, "OH YEAH, IT'S A WHOLE LOT OF MONEY." What 28$ does buy you is admission to a forgettable museum, and a very distant view of the memorial which will never be completed. I left shaking my head at the incompetence of the people who put this pipedream together, knowing that they'll never complete this monument (it's been several decades and they only recently finished the face) and they will continue to screw over and alienate the very people who sympathize with Native Americans in the first place. I'm only bothering to write this to protect the average tourist who I'd hate to see getting ripped off. IF YOU WERE TRULY AN HONEST ORGANIZATION, LIST YOUR PRICES AND "HIDDEN COSTS" IN CLEAR SIGHT AT THE FRONT ENTRANCE!!!


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