Matt Allaby

3 years ago

How can people give this place 1 or 2 stars based ...

How can people give this place 1 or 2 stars based on the fact that they are upset having to pay money. Are you kidding me? Do you think these animals just live there purely for your entertainment and you shouldn't have to support the sanctuary in anyway? How selfish can you be to go to a place that only exists because of the damage humans cause wildife and yet complain that you shouldn't have to pay anything. As if destroying their natural habitat wasnt enough you want the animals put on display for your cheap entertainment. If you want cheap entertainment go for a hike and look for wildlife, it is free. If you want to see things likw tigers, expect to pay something since it costs money to keep them there. Attacking a non profit organization because you wanted to be entertained instead of educated is pathetic. Every person who wrote a 1 star review about this place is pathetic, plain and simple. Your selfish behaviour is why these animals have to live in a sanctuary to begin with. It sickens me that 1 star reviews are given based on other reviews they saw, didn't even bother to check out the sanctuary just post a 1 star review saying they will tell everyone not to go there. Again how pathetic can you be. This sanctuary is the last resort for 100's of animals who have been wronged by humans so can we please stop being selfish and expecting these animals to be on display for our entertainment. Slavery was abolished so stop looking for slaves. To those who support this sanctuary, I thank you. To those who give 1 star reviews I'm sure you're about as educated as the women who allowed her child to climb into a gorilla enclosure. I hope one day you'll take yourself off the pedestal you feel justified to stand on and care about others. 5 stars for the sanctuary and I'll be glad to discuss to any 1 star reviews how their opinions are based on selfishness and a misguided view on how sanctuaries actually work. Feel free to go wall into actual wilderness to see wildlife. If you want the convenience of a zoo then go to a zoo, it won't be free.

Special shout out to the couple who claim to be wildlife biologists, Jana, how can you not afford 30 dollars? You keep talking about your zoo experience? You do know the difference between a zoo and a sanctuary right? If you don't it sickens me that you and your spouse held wildlife positions with the lack of education you provide in your 2 star review of the sanctuary. Claiming you shouldn't have to pay because humans are animals too? Way to put people on a pedestal over animals. We destroy their natural environment, something a former wildlife biologist should understand, yet you feel their presence in the sanctuary should be free. Wouldn't it be nice if humans weren't so destructive that we could see all these animals in the wild for free? Well we destroyed that dream so be prepared to pay 30 dollars. Small price to pay for the damage we humans cause. Don't be cheap. If you want cheap entertainment go to the Denver aquarium.


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