Michelle MacCormick
1 year ago

Handle with Caution!

My former spouse and I agreed to utilize Martin Swaden's service that was ultimately entered into court as an a court agreed on and ultimately ordered Parenting Consultant.

From the initial appointment of his services, he decided that our circumstance would be an "uphill battle" for him. We had asked him to make decisions on two matters.

Martin then required us to enter in outside professionals costing us addition funds in addition to his excessive billing.

These continued delays and asking for more work to be done so he could make a decision caused conflict between all.

Our attorneys were equally frustrated, but they too continued their billing cycle to keep up with Martin's every changing expectations. Once confronted by either party, Martin admittedly (put in writing) he would use against one or both of the parties as part of his decision that should have been for the children's best interest.

Ultimately, Martin wrote a scathing report (primarily against the stronger parent who contested his methods) and made decisions that would separate two children who have been close siblings (22 months of age difference) including different schools and primarily residences.

He gave his baseless "opinions' and false reports to the courts that have left deep scars in need of repair costing us more funds in attorney fees to repair.

He reduced me as well for asking for Christian resources when he ordered me to work with outside resources; this was swiftly denied and I was reduced for asking to be respected for my faith.

Martin Swaden sent false reports to the courts that have forced me to file an ADR Complaint against him that should be completed this fall; 2022.

I would advise heavily to do your research and interview many before finding the best representation for your family and your future.

Moxie Inc

Moxie Inc

Reviews 9
1 year ago

Peggy Cottrell was unprofessional and narcissistic...

Peggy Cottrell was unprofessional and narcissistic.

She was hired to interview my children.

Peggy Cottrell is a fraud and not to be trusted.
Peggy Cottrell reported false statements to the courts.

Peggy Cottrell seems to be aligned with attorneys, Parenting Consultants and preys on the victims~ gaslighting!

Don't be forced to use her in your divorce and or any conflict resolution process. Ask for a referral instead.

Peggy feeds on the conflict and offers more divide than resolution.