10 months ago

The school is strict and questionable

So I know I am not finished but so far that I have been in this school (about a year) it hasn't been the best experience, the school is strict and doesn't really have any teachers that know technology but it teachers who know how to use the technology. Homework is long, and missing a single day of school gives you catch up. In theory that's sounds good but you return home late and you don't get a sick days without catch up limit. Moving on the school lunch isn't the best, like free school meals if your legible isn't the best and most food is overpriced. The lockers are really small for lockers and can be hard to fit stuff in. Moving from that topic teachers when sick/not in for some reason gets a substitute teacher who most of the time doesn't know what the subject is. fire drills: fire drills are important but one for each year, no communication in anyways this includes signalling to someone to move will fail the drill, if so you have to repeat it with Everyone, if you fail it more then 3 times it will start to cut into your launch which is fair if it wasn't because of one person.
Moving one the new timetable makes it so you get a extra 5m while moving to lessons but that is token out of your launch and break.
I have only been at this school for a year but as I have seen a lot of old teachers are leaving and new teachers are joining.another topic is f105s which are handled out for a lot of reasons but mostly due to missing equipment and you have to do it at lunch, I have not covered every topic like I haven't covered icas or study hall but that is mainly the important parts.