

Reviews 69
1 year ago

Buy cheap, buy twice

In our experience, the old saying "buy cheap, buy twice" applies to Webgrity.

The company undercut our offer in the project tender by 50% and secured the order. It quickly became clear that the expertise in "development of media streaming services" proclaimed by Webgrity was practically non-existent. The implementation of our design was poor, some errors were not fixed even after months of feedback. When we became impatient and demanded the contractually guaranteed services, we were repeatedly accused of a lack of respect in communication. Above all, the CTO Mr. Agarwal likes to set himself up as a moralizer - but without delivering completely.

Our service is now live and there are bugs that Webgrity guaranteed would be fixed before the project was completed. However, the company no longer wants to hear about this.

I would only recommend you to work with Webgrity under these conditions: You have very simple frontend or moderate backend work to do. Write down exactly what you need in the contract. The company usually takes the quickest, easiest route - even if that may not always be customary for your project. "Additional efforts" are quickly mentioned, for which Webgrity then asks you to pay.

We made the mistake of paying the last project installment before (!) the code was completed and delivered. Be sure to negotiate with Webgrity that you only pay when everything is working under live conditions. Other companies may have earned the trust - unfortunately, in our experience, Webgrity does not. In the end, Upwork support even had to step in here, which by the way did an excellent job and tried everything in their power to remind Webgrity of its contractual obligations - unfortunately without success.

Webgrity will respond to this review and portray us as a terrible customer. Please don't let this fool you.

If you want to realize an ambitious, modern project - look for another service provider. We could have saved ourselves many sleepless nights and a lot of trouble if we hadn't let ourselves be tempted by the dumping price.

Ephraim P.