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About Yaana technologies

Yaana Technologies: Providing Intelligent Compliance Solutions for a Safer World

Yaana Technologies is a leading provider of intelligent compliance solutions that help governments and law enforcement agencies around the world to maintain public safety and security. The company specializes in providing lawful interception, data retention & disclosure, and advanced security analytics solutions that enable authorities to monitor and analyze communications data in real-time.

With over 20 years of experience in the industry, Yaana has established itself as a trusted partner for governments and law enforcement agencies across the globe. The company's innovative solutions are designed to meet the evolving needs of today's digital world, where communication technologies are constantly changing.

Lawful Interception Solutions

Yaana's lawful interception solutions enable authorities to intercept communications data from various sources such as voice calls, SMS messages, emails, instant messaging apps, social media platforms, etc. These solutions are essential for preventing criminal activities such as terrorism, drug trafficking, money laundering, cybercrime and other serious offenses.

The company's LI solution is designed to be highly scalable and flexible so that it can be easily integrated with existing communication networks. It supports multiple protocols including GSM/UMTS/LTE/CDMA/Wi-Fi/ VoIP/SIP/H323/RTP/RTCP/MPEG4/H264/AAC/G711/G729 codecs.

Data Retention & Disclosure Solutions

Yaana's data retention & disclosure solutions help authorities store communications data securely for future reference or analysis purposes. These solutions comply with local laws regarding data retention periods while ensuring that sensitive information is protected from unauthorized access or misuse.

The company's DRD solution provides an easy-to-use interface for authorized personnel to search through vast amounts of stored communication records quickly. It also allows them to generate reports based on specific criteria such as time period or keywords used in conversations.

Advanced Security Analytics Solutions

Yaana's advanced security analytics solutions provide real-time monitoring capabilities that enable authorities to detect potential threats before they become actual incidents. These solutions use machine learning algorithms combined with human expertise to analyze large volumes of communication data quickly accurately.

The company's ASA solution provides customizable dashboards that display relevant information about ongoing investigations or potential threats at a glance. This helps authorized personnel make informed decisions quickly based on actionable intelligence rather than guesswork or assumptions.

Why Choose Yaana Technologies?

There are several reasons why governments and law enforcement agencies choose Yaana Technologies over other providers:

1) Experience: With over 20 years of experience in the industry, Yaana has developed deep expertise in providing intelligent compliance solutions tailored specifically for government customers' needs.
2) Innovation: Yaana invests heavily in research & development (R&D) activities aimed at developing cutting-edge technologies that address emerging challenges.
3) Flexibility: Yaanas' products are highly scalable and flexible so they can be easily integrated into existing communication networks without disrupting operations.
4) Customer Support: Yaanas' customer support team is available 24/7 worldwide via phone/email/chat support channels.
5) Compliance: All products comply with local laws/regulations regarding lawful interception/data retention/disclosure requirements.


In conclusion,Yaanas' intelligent compliance solution suite offers an end-to-end approach towards maintaining public safety by enabling government organizations worldwide with Lawful Interception (LI), Data Retention & Disclosure (DRD), Advanced Security Analytics (ASA). With its extensive experience spanning two decades coupled with innovation-driven R&D efforts aimed at addressing emerging challenges; flexibility; round-the-clock customer support services; all products complying with local regulations - it’s no wonder why many governments trust this brand!

Yaana technologies

Yaana technologies