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About Xalingo Brinquedos S/A

Xalingo Brinquedos S/A is a Brazilian company that specializes in the production of toys and games for children of all ages. With over 70 years of experience in the industry, Xalingo has become a household name in Brazil and beyond, thanks to its commitment to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction.

One of the things that set Xalingo apart from other toy manufacturers is its focus on educational toys. The company believes that playtime should be more than just fun; it should also be an opportunity for children to learn and develop new skills. That's why Xalingo's products are designed not only to entertain but also to stimulate creativity, problem-solving, and critical thinking.

Xalingo offers a wide range of toys and games for different age groups, from infants to teenagers. For babies and toddlers, there are colorful blocks, puzzles, musical instruments, and soft toys that help develop their motor skills and sensory perception. For preschoolers and young children, there are board games, memory games, role-playing sets (such as kitchen sets or doctor kits), construction sets (such as Lego-like bricks), science kits (such as microscopes or telescopes), art supplies (such as paints or clay), sports equipment (such as balls or skates), among others.

For older kids and teenagers who crave more challenging activities or hobbies outside school hours - such as coding robots with Arduino boards - Xalingo has STEM-based products like robotics kits with sensors & actuators which can be programmed using Scratch programming language; electronic circuits kits where they can learn about electricity & electronics by building circuits on breadboards; 3D printing pens which allow them to create their own designs in three dimensions using plastic filaments; virtual reality headsets which immerse them into interactive worlds where they can explore new places & concepts without leaving home.

All these products have been carefully crafted by Xalingo's team of designers who work closely with child psychologists & educators so that each toy/game meets specific developmental milestones while being fun at the same time. The materials used are safe for kids' health & environment-friendly too - made from recycled plastics whenever possible.

In addition to its commitment towards quality education through playtime activities for kids across Brazil (& worldwide via online sales channels) , Xalingo also takes social responsibility seriously by supporting various charitable causes such as donating part of profits towards building schools in underprivileged areas around Brazil.

Overall if you're looking for high-quality educational toys/games that will keep your child entertained while helping them grow intellectually then look no further than Xalingo Brinquedos S/A!

Xalingo Brinquedos S/A

Xalingo Brinquedos S/A
