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About Wisconsin Bike Fed

The Wisconsin Bike Fed is a non-profit organization that aims to promote cycling as a healthy, sustainable, and enjoyable means of transportation. The organization was founded in 1982 and has since been working tirelessly to make Wisconsin a more bike-friendly state.

The Bike Fed's mission is to create safe and accessible biking infrastructure, educate the public about the benefits of cycling, and advocate for policies that support active transportation. The organization believes that biking can help reduce traffic congestion, improve air quality, boost local economies, and enhance public health.

One of the Bike Fed's primary goals is to increase the number of people who bike regularly in Wisconsin. To achieve this goal, they offer a variety of programs and services designed to encourage people of all ages and abilities to get on their bikes. These include community rides, bike safety classes for kids and adults alike, advocacy campaigns aimed at improving biking infrastructure across the state.

In addition to promoting cycling as an alternative mode of transportation for daily commutes or errands around town; The Bike Fed also organizes several events throughout the year that celebrate cycling culture in Wisconsin. These events include races like Tour de Chequamegon or Fat Tire Tour Of Milwaukee which attract cyclists from all over the country.

The Bike Fed also works closely with local governments across Wisconsin to ensure that new road construction projects take into account the needs of cyclists. They advocate for dedicated bike lanes on busy roads where possible; they also push for better signage indicating shared roadways where there are no dedicated lanes available.

Another important aspect of The Bike Fed's work is education - both for cyclists themselves as well as drivers sharing roads with them. They offer classes on safe riding techniques such as how best to navigate intersections or how best use hand signals when turning left/right etc., but they also provide resources like "Share & Be Aware" campaign which educates drivers about how best share roads with cyclists safely.

Overall it’s clear that The Wisconsin Bike Federation plays an essential role in making our state more bicycle-friendly by advocating for better infrastructure while educating both riders & drivers alike about safe practices on our roads!