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About Βίκος α.ε. | vikos s.a.

Vikos S.A. is a well-known and reputable company in the bottled water industry, founded in 1990 as the Hellenic Bottling Industry. The company has since grown to become one of the most recognized brands in Greece, with a reputation for producing high-quality bottled water products.

Vikos S.A. is headquartered in Ioannina, Greece, and operates several bottling plants throughout the country. The company's primary focus is on producing natural mineral water sourced from springs located in the Vikos Gorge region of northern Greece.

The Vikos Gorge region is known for its pristine natural beauty and unique geological formations that have been shaped over millions of years by erosion from rivers and glaciers. The area's mineral-rich soil provides an ideal environment for natural spring water to form, making it an excellent source for high-quality bottled water products.

Vikos S.A.'s commitment to quality begins with its sourcing process. The company carefully selects only the purest spring waters from sources that are free from pollutants or contaminants. Once collected, the water undergoes a rigorous filtration process to remove any impurities before being bottled.

The company offers a wide range of bottled water products under various brand names such as "Vikos," "Aqua Viva," "Aqua Panna," and "San Pellegrino." Each product line caters to different consumer preferences based on taste profile or packaging size.

In addition to its core business of producing premium bottled waters, Vikos S.A. also operates several other businesses related to food and beverage production. These include fruit juice production facilities as well as coffee roasting operations.

One key aspect that sets Vikos S.A apart from other companies in its industry is its commitment to sustainability practices throughout all aspects of its operations. From responsible sourcing practices through efficient manufacturing processes down to eco-friendly packaging materials used for their products - they strive towards minimizing their environmental impact.

Vikos S.A. has also been recognized for its social responsibility initiatives, including supporting local communities and charities through various programs and donations.

In conclusion, Vikos S.A. is a leading player in the bottled water industry in Greece, with a reputation for producing high-quality products sourced from natural springs located in the Vikos Gorge region. The company's commitment to sustainability practices and social responsibility initiatives sets it apart from other companies in its industry. With a wide range of product offerings catering to different consumer preferences, Vikos S.A. is poised for continued growth and success in the years ahead.

Βίκος α.ε. | vikos s.a.

Βίκος α.ε. | vikos s.a.