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About The open temple

The Open Temple: Re-Enchanting Judaism for Everyone

The Open Temple is a unique organization that seeks to re-enchant Judaism and create an open door for everyone to go on their Jewish soul journey. Founded by Rabbi Lori Shapiro, the Open Temple is a community that welcomes all Jews, regardless of their background or level of observance.

At the heart of the Open Temple's mission is the belief that Judaism should be accessible and relevant to everyone. Whether you are a lifelong Jew or someone who is just beginning to explore your Jewish identity, the Open Temple offers a welcoming space where you can connect with your heritage and explore your spirituality.

One of the key ways in which the Open Temple achieves its mission is through its innovative approach to prayer and ritual. Rather than relying on traditional liturgy, Rabbi Shapiro has created her own unique blend of music, poetry, and meditation that speaks directly to people's hearts and souls.

This approach has proven incredibly popular with members of the community who have found traditional synagogue services alienating or uninspiring. By creating a more inclusive and engaging form of worship, Rabbi Shapiro has helped many people rediscover their love for Judaism.

But prayer is just one aspect of what makes the Open Temple so special. The organization also offers a wide range of educational programs designed to help people deepen their understanding of Jewish history, culture, and spirituality.

From Torah study classes to workshops on mindfulness meditation, there are plenty of opportunities for members of the community to learn something new about themselves and their heritage. And because these programs are designed with accessibility in mind, they are open to anyone who wants to participate – regardless of their level of knowledge or experience.

Of course, no discussion about what makes the Open Temple so special would be complete without mentioning its commitment to social justice. As an organization rooted in Jewish values like tikkun olam (repairing the world), it's no surprise that social justice plays such a central role in the Open Temple's work.

Whether it's through organizing protests against police brutality or partnering with local organizations to provide food and shelter for those in need, the Open Temple is always looking for ways to make a positive impact on the world around them.

All of these elements – innovative prayer, engaging education, and a commitment to social justice – come together to create a truly unique community that is unlike anything else you'll find in the Jewish world. And because the Open Temple is constantly evolving and adapting to meet the needs of its members, there's always something new and exciting happening here.

So if you're looking for a place where you can connect with your Jewish heritage in a meaningful way, look no further than the Open Temple. With its welcoming community, innovative approach to worship and learning, and commitment to social justice, this organization truly has something for everyone.

The open temple

The open temple
