Reviews 15
Most recent
3 years ago

Oldest daughter just started there. School has a v...

Oldest daughter just started there. School has a very good communications program. Very impressive video studio facility. Nice radio station. Has a digital media course concentration also. Very impressive for a small suburban college. And yes, the campus is beautiful.

3 years ago

Questionable academics. This school will kill your...

Questionable academics. This school will kill your resume because employers do not like to see "Cabrini" on your resume. Cabrini is known to be the college that accept students will VERY LOW SAT SCORES.
Have no ambition, bad grades, and cant get accepted to top schools??? Well, you will find acceptance at Cabrini.

The school is on the community college level. Cabrini college teaches you everything you should have learned in high school. During the tour, they will show you the beautiful campus. However, the beautiful campus is the only thing attracting students (the comments throughout the internet is proof). This college is located near Philadelphia. However, most of the successful people in the city and surrounding area are NOT Cabrini grads. If you want a future, avoid Cabrini.

3 years ago

Depressing. It takes a certain type of person to e...

Depressing. It takes a certain type of person to enjoy this school, and I don't think I'm that type of person. If you don't find your group of friends (who you better hope don't transfer), your club, or your niche, you're screwed. Welcome to the most boring university ever.

I'm a sophomore, political science major and a lot of my classes are easier than my high school ones. I do think my professors are good, however; you get that personal connection that you wouldn't get at a large school. And the campus is pretty. That's about it.

Before I even started my first semester as a freshman at Cabrini they were screwing me over. I applied for the Honors Program and LLC (living and learning community) on time and met all the qualifications, yet had to fight for my spot in the LLC, the honors program, AND my honors scholarship from July 2016 until well into my first semester. Not to mention that the "triple" room I was placed in was terribly small for a dorm the tour guides couldn't stop bragging about.

Terrible food. Just awful. Food that is labeled "vegetarian" has chicken in it. Burgers are gross, fruit doesn't look fresh, and the stench of the cafeteria is just plain bad. If you want something half decent you'll have to go to Jazzman's or Sandella's and pray that you don't get tired of ordering the same things all the time.

I have tried to like this school, but when I'm away I realize how unhappy I truly am there. Most likely will not be returning.

P.S., Public Safety needs a whole different review because their service is unacceptable. Why do their photos in the lobby of East Residence Hall look like mugshots? Mess.

4 years ago

Worth the drive from Jersey

Worth the drive from Jersey
I love my program; it's a values-oriented education, which I appreciate.

4 years ago

I was a freshman at Cabrini in the 2016-17 school ...

I was a freshman at Cabrini in the 2016-17 school year and had an awful experience. The students showed a lack of care and respect for their education as well as for their professors. The food was sub-par, and residence halls were not kept to a great standard. The Ra's repeatedly got drunk and smoked with their residents and gave me a very unsafe feeling. I am happy to say that I got out of the unhealthy environment at Cabrini. I highly recommend doing your research before enrolling in this school. I will also say that all of my friends transferred as well. However, look at Millersville University. It is in Lancaster, PA and it is a fantastic institution in all regards.

4 years ago

I am a current senior at high school, next fall I ...

I am a current senior at high school, next fall I will be a freshman at cabrini. What made me make my decision, Is the interest they have in me, they pay attention to you as individual and if you're worry about something, they will try to find a way to solve it. Not many colleges have these important qualities.

4 years ago

I am a freshman at cabrini university. In the begi...

I am a freshman at cabrini university. In the beginning this school seemed nice. It is apealing because it is a small school and they give out a lot of money in scholarships. Let me tell u something, ITS A BUSINESS. If you are a white middle class student they tell u that you are giving you a discount but they are ripping you off. Most other kids at the school get to go there for about 5,000 a year and youre stuck paying 30,000. In addition, Nearly half of my grade is transfering out this semester. No one likes it there because there are hardly any campus activities. If you dont believe me, check out the retention rate online.
Public safety is a joke. My friend got seriously injured and all they did was stand there looking confused instead of helping. In terms of emergency help call 911, not public safety. I learned that the hard way.