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About The dickinsonian

The Dickinsonian: The Ultimate Student News Site of Dickinson College

The Dickinsonian is a student-run news site that has been serving the community of Dickinson College since 1872. It is an independent, non-profit organization that aims to provide accurate and unbiased news coverage to its readers. The site covers a wide range of topics, including campus events, sports, politics, arts and culture, and more.

One of the unique features of The Dickinsonian is its commitment to providing a platform for student voices. The site encourages students to submit their own articles and opinions on various issues affecting the college community. This not only gives students an opportunity to express themselves but also helps foster a sense of community among the student body.

The team behind The Dickinsonian consists entirely of students who are passionate about journalism and committed to delivering high-quality content. They work tirelessly to ensure that every article published on the site meets their rigorous standards for accuracy and fairness.

In addition to its online presence, The Dickinsonian also publishes a print edition twice per month during the academic year. This allows readers who prefer traditional print media to stay up-to-date with all the latest news from campus.

One thing that sets The Dickinsonian apart from other college newspapers is its focus on digital media. In recent years, the site has invested heavily in developing its online presence through social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. This has helped increase engagement with readers both on-campus and off-campus.

Another key feature of The Dickinsonian is its commitment to diversity and inclusion in all aspects of its operations. From hiring practices to editorial decisions, diversity is always at the forefront of everything they do.

Overall, if you're looking for reliable news coverage about what's happening at one of America's top liberal arts colleges - look no further than The Dickinsonian! With over 140 years' worth experience covering campus life at this prestigious institution under their belt - there's no better source out there for all your Dickinson news needs.