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About The angelou centre

The Angelou Centre: Empowering Women and Communities

The Angelou Centre is a non-profit organization that has been serving women and communities in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK for over 30 years. The centre was founded in 1987 by a group of black women who recognized the need for a safe space where women from diverse backgrounds could come together to share their experiences, support each other, and work towards common goals.

Since then, the Angelou Centre has grown into a vibrant community hub that provides a wide range of services and programs to empower women and promote social justice. The centre's mission is to challenge inequality, discrimination, and violence against women by providing advocacy, education, training, counseling, housing support, health services, cultural activities and more.

One of the key strengths of the Angelou Centre is its commitment to intersectionality - recognizing that gender-based violence affects different groups of women in different ways depending on their race/ethnicity/culture/religion/class/disability/sexuality. Therefore the centre adopts an inclusive approach that takes into account these multiple identities when designing its services.

For example:

- The Domestic Abuse Service provides specialist support for black/minority ethnic (BME) women who are experiencing or have experienced domestic abuse. This service recognizes that BME survivors face additional barriers such as language barriers; lack of knowledge about their rights; fear of deportation; racism within institutions etc.
- The Young Women's Project offers mentoring sessions for young girls aged 11-25 from BME backgrounds who may be facing challenges such as low self-esteem; peer pressure; bullying; family conflict etc.
- The Refugee & Asylum Seeker Project provides practical assistance (e.g., accommodation advice) as well as emotional support (e.g., trauma counseling) to refugee/asylum-seeking women who have fled persecution or war zones.
- The Health & Wellbeing Project offers workshops on healthy eating habits; exercise routines; stress management; sexual health etc. to women from all backgrounds who may be struggling with physical or mental health issues.

In addition to these services, the Angelou Centre also hosts various events and campaigns throughout the year to raise awareness about gender-based violence and promote community cohesion. For example:

- The International Women's Day event celebrates the achievements of women from different cultures and highlights the challenges they face in their daily lives.
- The 16 Days of Activism campaign (Nov-Dec) raises awareness about violence against women and girls by organizing workshops, film screenings, art exhibitions etc.
- The Black History Month event showcases the contributions of black women to society and promotes cultural diversity.

The Angelou Centre is run by a team of dedicated staff members who are passionate about social justice and have extensive experience in working with marginalized communities. They work closely with volunteers, partner organizations, funders, and service users to ensure that their services are responsive to local needs.

If you want to get involved with the Angelou Centre or support its work financially, you can visit their website ( or contact them via email ( or phone (0191 226 0394). You can also follow them on social media (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram) for updates on their latest activities.