Reviews 10
Most recent
3 years ago

Some replies from the Net to those with negative c...

Some replies from the Net to those with negative comments against Caren Turner. For the truth by someone from Tenafly search: "Port Authority Commissioner Caren Turner on Easter Sunday Fights Worst Reputation Tenafly Police"
NJ is the only state in US where high school equivalency is the only requirement for local police, no training or education. Before sending them out with a gun.
"Breaking the Blue Wall: One Man's War Against Police Corruption" December 28, 2011
New Jersey is also the only state which does not license police officers. That means any police officer you run into in New Jersey could have a very bad record including assaulting citizens and writing falsified police reports. Search "Your next NJ traffic stop could leave you face-to-face with a troubled cop" - Sep 20, 2018.
People have sovereignty not corrupt child torturing criminal Tenafly Police and most in Bergen County all with the worst reputation in US. Web search NJ Police Corruption, too many to read. Police are supposed to serve and protect us not other way around.
Do you also like the Gestapo? Leave police states where corrupt police endanger pregnant women, children and parents by taking their cars and abandoning them on the streets to Soviet Russia and North Korea where you belong. We believe in Liberty not Tyranny and Police States. Attorneys say Tenafly is corrupt and endanger residents of Tenafly and passing thru and make their illegal double hyper-segregated schools violent, unsafe and a bad example for students for life.
Click Entries #8 and #10 on New Jersey Police and State Police Corruption and History of Cruelty and Brutality and Worse. I suggest Caren review the #1 Entry on Hillary Clinton's Child Trafficking Crimes Against Humanity and Judicial and CPS Corruption and Tyranny - More Worst of the Worst.
Search Web for "New Jersey Dark History"

Click Facebook on Fight Tyranny in New Jersey including Tenafly in Bergen County - Child Trafficking by the State Crimes Against Humanity - The Legal Battle Begins

3 years ago

Tenafly PD could not have been any more profession...

Tenafly PD could not have been any more professional when being confronted and harangued by a self entitled bureaucrat back on Easter weekend, 2018. The officers featured in the viral video maintained a cool and total command throughout the situation, from start to finish. Bravo to the Tenafly Police Department.

4 years ago

I have to say Congratulations to the two Police Of...

I have to say Congratulations to the two Police Officer's in their recent handling of an out-of-control, egotistical and obnoxious Caren Turner. Thru it all, you stayed calm and professional as you performed your job. In comparison, Ms. Turner attempted to name drop, pull rank and flash a badge of sorts as she continued to demand special treatment. You stood your ground without resorting to her level. Great job!

4 years ago

Dear Chief,

Dear Chief,

Throughly impressed with how your officer's handled Caren Z. Turner. I can't put to words my level of respect for those men; 5 stars.


Kenneth E. Hannah

4 years ago

Chief Chamberlain isn't it time you hired officers...

Chief Chamberlain isn't it time you hired officers that look like the population in Tenafly? Just 2 out of 34 police officers are African American and Hispanic. This is not consistent with the population in Tenafly which is roughly 55% Caucasian 25% Asian and 20% Hispanic and African American.

4 years ago

Corrupt State and local police make life very bad ...

Corrupt State and local police make life very bad for nearby residents and kids and hurt the entire community. Police corruption has wrecked entire families and family lines. Dr. Richard A. Gardner who discovered Parental Alienation Syndrome had his office in Cresskill and suffered the most painful medically induced condition and then died most terribly in his home in Tenafly - looks like from police corruption after he testified in over 300 cases in the Bergen County Courthouse stopping corrupt New Jersey State HHS/DCF and DCPP from destroying children and families thru fake domestic violence and severing parental rights costing Bergen County and the State of New Jersey millions and eventually his life. Now police and New Jersey State corruption is even worse with State reports on their own Predatory Alienation.

4 years ago

Police work can be difficult, even at those times ...

Police work can be difficult, even at those times it shouldn t be! Just watched the confrontation via police cam of a 60 yr old Port Authority NY & NJ commissioner whose only involvement should have been to pick up the adult driver and passengers of a car that was going to be legally towed. The now former commissioner, Caren Z. Turner, who is (now, was) involved with LE, was demanding, belligerent, and doing her utmost to pull rank on a pair of Tenafly policemen doing their jobs. This woman not only embarrassed herself and the Port Authority, but also endangered everybody there standing on the side of a narrow, well travelled, highway, for more than 15 minutes arguing with the cops that she needed more information about the adults she was there to pick up. The policemen could not have been any more professional dealing with this woman than they were, she s lucky she wasn t arrested. To Ms Turner...don t interfere with police while they re doing their job! Kudos to the Tenafly PD and in particular, the two involved officers!

4 years ago

About two months ago, I had a minor argument with ...

About two months ago, I had a minor argument with my landlord and out of spite, my landlord broke into my house(literally breaking down the basement door), and so I filed a police report on it. The officer told me to give them a call if the landlord shows up again without notice and do something suspicious.

Today in the morning, I woke up by loud thud sound in the backyard so I looked outside and my landlord was in the backyard without any notice. So I immediately called Tenafly police and the two officers showed up. They first spoke to my landlord and later came into the house to speak to me; the officers were completely rude and unprofessional. There were so many errors of what they said.

One, the officers said that this is his property, therefore he can come anytime he wants to... No. That is false. The lease agreement literally states, "If the landlord must visit the premise due to any maintenance, request, etc., the landlord must notify in writing to tenant at least one week in advance. In case of emergency, the landlord must get an approval from the tenant to visit the premise." If I did not approve or he didn't notify me AT ALL, he is trespassing.

Second, as the officers were leaving, one of them said, "if you keep calling us regarding this, you will be arrested for falsely calling the police." Excuse me? First of all, I was TOLD by the POLICE OFFICER to give them a call if my landlord comes and do something suspicious. The fact that my landlord was in my backyard looking inside the home is suspicious enough. And also, what if he really came to hurt me or do something maliciously? If I never called the cops, I wonder what would have happened?

I thought the police is there to keep their community safe and protected? But these cops are full of themselves and think they're higher than their community? What a joke.

I have decided to move out of this town as soon as my lease is over. Thanks for nothing, Tenafly cops.

Tenafly Police Department

Tenafly Police Department
