Reviews 11
Most recent
3 years ago

If you need or want to tell your story, this is an...

If you need or want to tell your story, this is an excellent opportunity to talk about everything that has to do with cancer in a pleasant atmosphere with very empathetic volunteers. Excellent theme afternoons / evenings on a regular basis, such as about Prostate Cancer.

4 years ago

't Praethuys is committed to people with cancer or...

't Praethuys is committed to people with cancer or people who are in contact with these people.
For surviving relatives it is also a perfect initiative through which one can learn how to handle the situation and the emotions that go with it.

4 years ago

The Praethyus is a so-called walk-in home for peop...

The Praethyus is a so-called walk-in home for people with cancer or who have been confronted with cancer. It is about attention and processing so not medically but psychosocial oriented. Coffee and something delicious is there for every visitor from the above target group.

About 'T Praethuys

'T Praethuys: A Haven for Cancer Patients and Their Families

Cancer is a disease that affects millions of people worldwide. It can be a scary and overwhelming experience, not just for the patient but also for their loved ones. Coping with cancer can be challenging, both physically and emotionally. That's where 't Praethuys comes in - a place where cancer patients and their families can find support, comfort, and hope.

What is 't Praethuys?

't Praethuys is a non-profit organization based in the Netherlands that provides emotional support to people affected by cancer. The organization was founded in 1990 by two women who had experienced cancer themselves. They wanted to create a safe space where people could talk about their fears, concerns, and feelings without judgment or stigma.

Since then, 't Praethuys has grown into an essential resource for cancer patients and their families in the region. The organization offers various services such as counseling sessions, group therapy sessions, workshops on coping with cancer-related issues like anxiety or depression.

How does 't Praethuys help?

At 't Praethuys, they understand that every person's journey with cancer is unique. That's why they offer personalized support tailored to each individual's needs. Whether you're newly diagnosed or have been living with cancer for years - there's always someone at 't Praethuys who will listen to you.

One of the most significant benefits of seeking help from 't Praethuys is that it provides an opportunity to connect with others going through similar experiences. Cancer can be isolating; it can feel like no one understands what you're going through - but at 't Praethuys - everyone gets it.

The organization also offers practical assistance such as financial advice or help navigating healthcare systems' complexities – which are often overwhelming when dealing with illness.

Why choose 'T praathuy?

There are many reasons why someone might choose to seek support from ‘T praathuy’. Firstly because they provide free services which means anyone affected by Cancer regardless of income level has access to these resources.
Secondly because ‘T praathuy’ has been around since 1990 so they have years of experience helping individuals cope with this disease.
Thirdly because ‘T praathuy’ offers personalized care tailored specifically towards each individual’s needs.
Lastly because ‘T praathuy’ provides practical assistance such as financial advice or navigating healthcare systems – something that many other organizations do not offer.


Cancer affects millions of people worldwide every year; it’s an illness that takes its toll on both physical health as well as mental wellbeing- making life difficult not only for those diagnosed but also those around them.
‘T praathuy’ recognizes this struggle faced by individuals affected by Cancer- providing free services since 1990 aimed at supporting individuals throughout their journey towards recovery.
Whether you’re looking for emotional support through counseling sessions or group therapy sessions- workshops on coping mechanisms related specifically towards anxiety/depression caused due to Cancer diagnosis- practical assistance regarding finances/healthcare system navigation – ‘T praathuy’ has got your back!