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About Sweco Norway AS

Sweco Norway AS: Building Sustainable Cities and Communities

Sweco Norway AS is a leading engineering, architecture, and environmental consulting firm that provides innovative solutions to create sustainable cities and communities. With a team of highly skilled engineers, architects, and planners, Sweco Norway AS offers a wide range of services in the fields of engineering, environment, and architecture.

Founded in 1958 as Norconsult AS by the Norwegian government to provide technical assistance for development projects in developing countries. In 1997 it was acquired by Sweco AB which is one of Europe's leading engineering consultancies with over 17.000 employees across Europe.

Today Sweco Norway AS has grown into one of the largest consulting firms in Norway with over 1.200 employees working on projects ranging from infrastructure development to urban planning.

Services Offered

Sweco Norway AS offers a wide range of services that are designed to help clients achieve their goals while also promoting sustainability. Some of the key services offered by the company include:

Engineering Services: The company provides comprehensive engineering services that cover all aspects of infrastructure development including roads & highways design; water supply & sanitation systems; energy systems; transportation planning; geotechnical investigations; structural design & analysis among others.

Environmental Services: Sweco Norway AS has extensive experience in providing environmental consulting services for both public and private sector clients. The company's environmental experts offer solutions for air quality management; waste management & recycling programs; water resource management plans among others.

Architecture Services: The company's architects are known for their innovative designs that combine functionality with aesthetics while also promoting sustainability principles such as energy efficiency and use of renewable materials.

Urban Planning Services: Sweco Norway AS helps clients plan sustainable cities through its urban planning division which focuses on creating livable communities that promote social equity while also reducing carbon footprint through smart growth strategies such as transit-oriented development (TOD) or mixed-use developments (MUD).


Over the years, Sweco Norway has been involved in several high-profile projects across various sectors including transportation infrastructure development like E18 Vestkorridoren project which involves upgrading an existing highway between Oslo city center westward towards Asker/Bærum municipality or Fornebubanen project which is an extension line from Majorstuen station to Fornebu area where many companies have their headquarters located at.

In addition to these large-scale projects, they have worked on smaller scale ones like designing new schools or hospitals using sustainable building practices such as passive house standards or BREEAM certification requirements.

Sustainability Commitment

At Sweco Norway AS sustainability is not just a buzzword but rather it’s at the core values they hold dear when delivering their work. They believe that every project should be designed with sustainability principles at its heart so as not only benefit current generations but future ones too.

The company aims to reduce its carbon footprint by implementing measures such as reducing energy consumption within offices through efficient lighting systems or using electric vehicles instead petrol/diesel-powered cars when traveling between sites.

They also encourage staff members who commute long distances daily from home-to-workplace locations outside major cities like Oslo/Bergen/Trondheim etc., switch modes transportations like cycling/walking/public transport options available nearby workplaces.


In conclusion, if you're looking for an experienced consultancy firm specializing in creating sustainable cities then look no further than Sweco Norway AS! With over six decades worth experience under its belt coupled with highly skilled professionals who are passionate about what they do - this firm will deliver results beyond your expectations!

Sweco Norway AS

Sweco Norway AS
