St Anthony’s Catholic Church, Kingscliff NSW

St Anthony’s Catholic Church, Kingscliff NSW Review

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About St Anthony’s Catholic Church, Kingscliff NSW

St Anthony’s Catholic Church, Kingscliff NSW: A Haven of Faith and Community

St Anthony’s Parish, Kingscliff and Sts Mary and Ambrose, Pottsville are two vibrant Catholic communities located in the beautiful coastal region of Northern New South Wales. The parish is a welcoming place where people from all walks of life come together to celebrate their faith, share their joys and sorrows, and support each other in times of need.

At St Anthony’s Catholic Church, Kingscliff NSW, you'll find a warm and friendly atmosphere that makes you feel at home. The church is a beautiful building with stunning stained glass windows that create an ambiance of peace and serenity. Whether you're a regular parishioner or just visiting the area for the first time, you'll be welcomed with open arms by our friendly community.

Our church offers Mass times throughout the week to accommodate everyone's schedule. We also have special services during Lenten season such as Stations of the Cross on Fridays at 7 pm followed by Mass at 7:30 pm. During Advent season we have Reconciliation Services on Wednesdays at 7 pm followed by Mass at 7:30 pm.

In addition to our regular services, we also offer various programs for children including sacramental preparation classes for First Holy Communion and Confirmation. Our youth group meets regularly to engage in fun activities while learning about their faith.

We understand that being part of a community means more than just attending church services; it means supporting each other through life's ups and downs. That's why we offer pastoral care services such as hospital visits or home visits for those who are unable to attend mass due to illness or disability.

Our parishioners are actively involved in various ministries such as music ministry which enhances our liturgical celebrations with beautiful hymns sung by our choir members who practice every Wednesday evening from 6-8pm . We also have an active social justice group which works towards helping those less fortunate within our local community.

At St Anthony’s Catholic Church Kingscliff NSW ,we believe that giving back is an essential part of being a good Christian. That's why we encourage all members to contribute generously towards various charitable causes both locally & globally .We organize fundraising events throughout the year like Trivia Nights ,Raffles raise funds for these causes .

In conclusion ,St Anthony’s Parish,Kingscliff & Sts Mary & Ambrose,Pottsville are two vibrant communities where people come together not only to worship but also support each other through thick & thin .If you're looking for a welcoming place where your faith can grow stronger while making new friends along the way then look no further than St Anthony’s Catholic Church,Kingscliff NSW!

St Anthony’s Catholic Church, Kingscliff NSW

St Anthony’s Catholic Church, Kingscliff NSW