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About Shrub coop

Shrub Coop: A Cooperative in Edinburgh Working for a World Without Waste

Shrub Coop is a cooperative based in Edinburgh, Scotland that is dedicated to creating a world without waste. The organization was founded with the goal of promoting sustainable living and reducing waste through various initiatives and projects.

At Shrub Coop, the team believes that everyone has a role to play in creating a more sustainable future. They work tirelessly to educate individuals and communities about the importance of reducing waste and adopting eco-friendly practices.

One of the key initiatives at Shrub Coop is their Swap Shop program. This program allows individuals to bring in unwanted items such as clothing, books, or household goods and exchange them for something else they need. The Swap Shop not only reduces waste by keeping items out of landfills but also promotes community building by encouraging people to share resources.

In addition to their Swap Shop program, Shrub Coop also runs several other projects aimed at reducing waste. These include their Zero Waste Hub which provides information on how to reduce waste at home or work, as well as workshops on topics such as composting or upcycling.

Another important aspect of Shrub Coop's work is their advocacy efforts. They actively campaign for policies that promote sustainability and reduce waste both locally and nationally. Their campaigns have included advocating for plastic-free packaging options in local stores or pushing for better recycling infrastructure across Scotland.

Shrub Coop's commitment to sustainability extends beyond just reducing waste; they also prioritize social justice issues within their work. They strive to create an inclusive environment where everyone feels welcome regardless of background or identity.

Overall, Shrub Coop is an inspiring example of how cooperatives can make a positive impact on our planet while promoting community building and social justice values. Their dedication towards creating a world without waste serves as an inspiration for all those looking to live more sustainably while making meaningful change within their communities.

If you're interested in learning more about Shrub Coop or getting involved with their initiatives, be sure to check out their website or visit one of their locations in Edinburgh. Together, we can work towards a more sustainable future for all.