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About Sesame software

Sesame Software: The Ultimate Solution for Enterprise Data Management

In today's digital age, data is the lifeblood of any business. It is essential to have a reliable and efficient system in place to manage and integrate data from various sources. This is where Sesame Software comes in - a trusted name in enterprise data management.

With over two decades of experience, Sesame Software has been providing cutting-edge solutions to businesses across industries. Their flagship product, Relational Junction, offers a comprehensive suite of tools for data integration, backup and recovery, replication, and more.

What sets Sesame Software apart from its competitors is its ability to connect and integrate data from any source - be it cloud-based or on-premise. This means that businesses can seamlessly manage their data across multiple platforms without having to worry about compatibility issues.

Relational Junction also offers real-time synchronization capabilities that ensure that your data is always up-to-date. This feature is particularly useful for businesses that rely on real-time analytics or need access to the latest information at all times.

Another key advantage of using Sesame Software's solutions is their scalability. Whether you are a small business or an enterprise-level organization with complex needs, Relational Junction can be customized to meet your specific requirements.

Sesame Software's commitment to customer satisfaction has earned them a loyal following among some of the biggest names in the industry. Their clients include Fortune 500 companies such as IBM, Oracle, and Microsoft - a testament to their expertise and reliability.

In addition to their flagship product Relational Junction, Sesame Software also offers other tools such as Cloud Backup & Recovery (CBR) which provides secure cloud-based backup solutions for critical business applications like®, NetSuite®, QuickBooks Online® etc., Data Warehouse Builder (DWB) which enables users with no coding skills build custom Data Warehouses within minutes by simply dragging-and-dropping tables into DWB’s intuitive interface; Replication Suite (RS) which replicates databases between different database platforms like Oracle®, SQL Server®, MySQL® etc., Virtual Database (VDB) which allows users access disparate databases as if they were one virtual database; Audit Trail Builder (ATB), an easy-to-use tool designed specifically for Salesforce administrators who need an audit trail solution but don’t want the hassle of writing code themselves; Compliance Suite (CS), designed specifically for regulated industries like healthcare where compliance with HIPAA regulations are mandatory; Big Data Connectors(BDC), connectors built specifically for big-data platforms like Hadoop®/Hive™/Spark™/Impala™ etc., enabling customers extract value out of big-data by integrating it with other enterprise systems seamlessly without requiring any programming skills whatsoever!

Overall,Sesame software provides comprehensive solutions that enable businesses across industries streamline their operations through efficient management of critical enterprise-level applications while ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements such as HIPAA should be your go-to destination if you're looking for reliable enterprise-level software solutions!