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About Service to school

Service to School: Helping Veterans Achieve Their Educational Goals

Service to School is a non-profit organization that aims to help veterans gain admission to the best universities possible and maximize their education benefits. The organization was founded in 2011 by a group of veterans who had experienced firsthand the challenges of transitioning from military service to civilian life, particularly when it came to pursuing higher education.

The founders recognized that many veterans face significant obstacles when it comes to applying for college or graduate school. They may not have access to the same resources as their civilian peers, such as guidance counselors or college prep courses. Additionally, they may be dealing with physical or mental health issues related to their military service that can make the application process even more daunting.

That's where Service to School comes in. The organization provides free resources and support for veterans who are interested in pursuing higher education. This includes one-on-one counseling with admissions experts, assistance with writing personal statements and essays, and guidance on how best to use their GI Bill benefits.

One of the key ways that Service to School helps veterans is by connecting them with mentors who have successfully navigated the college application process themselves. These mentors are often fellow veterans who can provide valuable insights into what admissions committees are looking for and how best to present oneself as a strong candidate.

In addition, Service to School offers a range of online resources designed specifically for veteran applicants. These include webinars on topics such as choosing the right school and preparing for interviews, as well as an extensive library of articles and guides covering everything from financial aid options to tips on acing standardized tests like the GRE or GMAT.

Perhaps most importantly, Service To School has been successful in helping its clients gain admission into some of America's top universities including Harvard University , Yale University , Stanford University , Columbia University among others . This is no small feat given how competitive these schools can be - but it speaks volumes about just how effective this organization is at helping veterans achieve their educational goals.

Overall, Service To School is an invaluable resource for any veteran looking at furthering his/her education . By providing personalized support throughout every step of the application process - from selecting schools all through graduation- this nonprofit has helped countless individuals achieve academic success beyond what they ever thought possible .