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About Rubizza

Rubizza: Extreme Ruby Programming Courses

Rubizza is a company that offers extreme programming courses on Ruby. The courses are designed to provide students with two months of rigorous training and preparation, culminating in a guaranteed job offer for those who successfully complete the program.

Ruby is a popular programming language that has gained significant traction in recent years due to its simplicity and versatility. It is used by many companies, including Airbnb, GitHub, and Shopify, making it an attractive skill set for aspiring programmers.

The Rubizza program is designed to be intense and challenging. Students will be pushed to their limits as they learn the ins and outs of Ruby programming. The curriculum covers everything from basic syntax to advanced topics like metaprogramming and concurrency.

The program is led by experienced instructors who have years of experience working with Ruby. They are passionate about teaching others how to code and are dedicated to helping students succeed.

One of the unique aspects of Rubizza's program is its focus on real-world projects. Students will work on actual projects throughout the course, giving them hands-on experience that they can use when applying for jobs after graduation.

In addition to the technical skills learned during the course, Rubizza also places a strong emphasis on soft skills like communication and teamwork. These skills are essential for success in any workplace environment, making them valuable assets for graduates entering the workforce.

At the end of the two-month program, students will have developed a strong foundation in Ruby programming that they can build upon throughout their careers. They will also have access to job placement services provided by Rubizza's network of partner companies.

Overall, Rubizza offers an excellent opportunity for aspiring programmers looking to take their skills to new heights. With its intense curriculum, experienced instructors, real-world projects, and job placement services – it's no wonder why so many people choose Rubizza as their go-to source for extreme Ruby programming courses!