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About Oregonsaves

Oregonsaves: Empowering Employees to Save for Retirement

Oregonsaves is a state-sponsored retirement savings program that aims to help Oregonians save for their future. The program was launched in 2017 and has since helped thousands of employees across the state save for retirement.

Registration is open for all eligible employers, and the process is simple and straightforward. By facilitating the program, employers can provide their employees with an easy way to save for retirement without any additional administrative burden or cost.

The Oregonsaves program offers a range of benefits to both employers and employees. For employers, it helps attract and retain top talent by offering a valuable benefit that can help improve employee satisfaction and loyalty. It also helps reduce turnover by providing employees with a sense of financial security.

For employees, Oregonsaves provides an easy way to start saving for retirement without having to worry about managing investments or navigating complex financial products. The program offers low fees, automatic contributions, and investment options that are designed to meet the needs of different types of savers.

One of the key features of Oregonsaves is its automatic enrollment process. Once an employer signs up for the program, eligible employees are automatically enrolled unless they choose to opt-out. This means that more people are likely to participate in the program than if they had to actively sign up themselves.

Another important feature of Oregonsaves is its focus on education and outreach. The program provides resources such as webinars, workshops, and one-on-one consultations with financial advisors so that participants can make informed decisions about their savings goals.

Oregonsaves also prioritizes accessibility by offering multiple ways for participants to access their accounts including online portals, mobile apps, phone support lines as well as paper statements mailed directly home if preferred.

In terms of investment options available through Oregonsave's platform there are several choices ranging from conservative fixed income funds all the way up through aggressive equity funds. This allows participants to choose the investment strategy that best aligns with their risk tolerance and retirement goals.

Overall, Oregonsaves is a valuable program that helps Oregonians save for retirement. By facilitating the program, employers can provide their employees with an easy way to start saving without any additional administrative burden or cost. With its low fees, automatic enrollment process, and focus on education and outreach, Oregonsaves is a great option for anyone looking to take control of their financial future.