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About One circle foundation

One Circle Foundation: Cultivating Belonging through Powerful Circles

One Circle Foundation is a non-profit organization that aims to cultivate belonging through powerful circles with youth and adults everywhere. The foundation believes that everyone deserves to feel like they belong, and their mission is to create safe spaces where individuals can connect, share their stories, and support each other.

The foundation's approach is evidence-based, culturally responsive, trauma-informed, gender-expansive, and strengths-based. This means that they use research-backed methods to create programs that are inclusive of all cultures and genders while taking into account the impact of trauma on individuals.

One Circle Foundation's programs are designed for both youth and adults. They offer training for professionals who work with young people such as teachers, counselors, social workers or anyone who wants to learn how to facilitate circles effectively. Their training program equips facilitators with the skills needed to create a safe space where participants can share their experiences without fear of judgment or shame.

For young people specifically One Circle Foundation offers several programs including Girls Circle®, Boys Council®, The Council for Young Men™ (CYM), The Council for Young Women™ (CYW), Women’s Empowerment & Leadership Program (WELP) ,and more. These programs provide a supportive environment where young people can explore their identities while building relationships with peers in a safe space.

Girls Circle® is an evidence-based program designed specifically for girls aged 9-18 years old. It provides girls with an opportunity to build self-esteem while learning about healthy relationships and communication skills in a supportive environment facilitated by trained professionals.

Boys Council® is similar but designed specifically for boys aged 9-18 years old. It provides boys with an opportunity to explore what it means to be male in today's society while building positive relationships with peers in a supportive environment facilitated by trained professionals.

The Councils For Young Men™ (CYM) & The Councils For Young Women™ (CYW) are programs designed for young men and women aged 14-20 years old. These programs provide a space where young people can explore their identities, build relationships with peers, and develop leadership skills.

Women’s Empowerment & Leadership Program (WELP) is a program designed for adult women who want to develop their leadership skills while building relationships with other women in a supportive environment.

One Circle Foundation's approach is unique because it focuses on creating safe spaces where individuals can connect and support each other. Their evidence-based programs have been proven to be effective in helping individuals build self-esteem, develop healthy relationships, and improve communication skills.

In conclusion, One Circle Foundation is an organization that is committed to cultivating belonging through powerful circles with youth and adults everywhere. Their evidence-based approach ensures that their programs are inclusive of all cultures and genders while taking into account the impact of trauma on individuals. If you're looking for a safe space where you can connect with others while building your self-esteem or developing your leadership skills then One Circle Foundation may be the perfect fit for you!