New england fishery management council

New england fishery management council Review

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About New england fishery management council

The New England Fishery Management Council (NEFMC) is a regional council established by federal legislation in 1976. The council is responsible for managing and conserving fishery resources from three to 200 miles off the coasts of Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. NEFMC works closely with fishermen, scientists, environmentalists, and other stakeholders to ensure that the region's fisheries are sustainable and productive.

NEFMC's mission is to develop fishery management plans that are based on sound science and take into account the needs of all stakeholders. The council uses a collaborative approach to decision-making that involves input from fishermen, scientists, environmentalists, and other interested parties. This approach ensures that all perspectives are considered when developing management plans.

One of NEFMC's primary responsibilities is to set catch limits for various species of fish in the region. These catch limits are designed to prevent overfishing while still allowing fishermen to make a living. NEFMC also works with state agencies and other organizations to monitor fish populations and ensure that they remain healthy.

In addition to managing fisheries in the region, NEFMC also plays an important role in promoting sustainable fishing practices. The council provides education and outreach programs for fishermen on topics such as gear modifications that can reduce bycatch (the unintentional capture of non-target species). By working with fishermen directly on these issues, NEFMC helps promote sustainable fishing practices while also supporting local economies.

NEFMC has been successful in its efforts to conserve fishery resources in the region. For example, several species of groundfish (such as cod) were severely depleted due to overfishing in the past few decades. However, thanks in part to NEFMC's efforts at conservation measures such as catch limits and gear modifications have helped these populations recover.

Overall, NEFMC plays an essential role in managing fisheries off the coast of New England while promoting sustainability practices among local fishermen. Its collaborative approach ensures that all stakeholders have a voice when it comes time for decision-making about how best manage these vital resources for future generations' benefit.

If you're interested in learning more about what this organization does or how you can get involved with their work please visit their website at today!

New england fishery management council

New england fishery management council
