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About Lost boyz inc.

Lost Boyz Inc. is a non-profit organization that aims to decrease violence, improve social and emotional conditions, and provide financial opportunities among the youth in Chicago's South Shore community. The organization was founded in 1996 by a group of concerned individuals who wanted to make a difference in their community.

The South Shore community has been plagued by violence for many years, with young people being the most affected. Lost Boyz Inc. recognizes that violence is not just a law enforcement issue but also a social issue that requires a holistic approach to address it effectively.

One of the ways Lost Boyz Inc. addresses this issue is through its Violence Prevention Program. This program provides counseling services to young people who have been exposed to or involved in violent incidents. The program also offers conflict resolution training and mentorship programs aimed at helping young people develop positive relationships with adults who can guide them towards making better choices.

Another way Lost Boyz Inc. helps improve social and emotional conditions among youth is through its Youth Empowerment Program (YEP). YEP provides job readiness training, entrepreneurship education, and financial literacy classes aimed at equipping young people with skills they need to succeed in life.

Lost Boyz Inc.'s commitment to providing financial opportunities for youth is evident through its Micro-Enterprise Development Program (MEDP). This program provides small business loans and technical assistance to aspiring entrepreneurs from low-income backgrounds who lack access to traditional financing options.

In addition, Lost Boyz Inc.'s Community Outreach Program works closely with local schools, churches, and other organizations within the South Shore community to promote positive change through various initiatives such as food drives, clothing donations drives, health fairs among others.

Lost Boyz Inc.'s impact on the South Shore community cannot be overstated; since its inception over two decades ago it has helped thousands of young people find hope where there was once despair; it has provided them with tools they need not only survive but thrive despite challenging circumstances around them.

In conclusion, if you are looking for an organization that truly cares about improving lives within communities then look no further than Lost Boyz inc., their commitment towards decreasing violence while improving social & emotional conditions as well as providing financial opportunities amongst youths makes them stand out from other organizations working towards similar goals!