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About Jupiter Capital Management, UK

Jupiter Capital Management, UK: A Premier Fund Management Group

Jupiter Capital Management, UK is a leading fund management group that has been providing investment solutions to clients for over 30 years. The company was founded in 1985 and has since grown to become one of the most respected names in the industry.

At Jupiter, we believe that successful investing requires a long-term perspective and a disciplined approach. Our investment philosophy is based on the belief that active management can add value by identifying opportunities that are not reflected in market prices.

Our team of experienced investment professionals is dedicated to delivering superior performance for our clients. We offer a range of funds across different asset classes and geographies, each designed to meet specific investment objectives.

Our Funds

We offer a wide range of funds across different asset classes including equities, fixed income, multi-asset and alternatives. Our funds are managed by experienced professionals who use their expertise to identify opportunities and manage risk.

Equity Funds: Our equity funds invest in companies around the world with strong growth potential. We have a range of equity funds covering different regions including Europe, Asia Pacific and Emerging Markets.

Fixed Income Funds: Our fixed income funds invest in bonds issued by governments or corporations around the world. We have a range of fixed income funds covering different sectors including high yield bonds, emerging market debt and global bonds.

Multi-Asset Funds: Our multi-asset funds invest across different asset classes including equities, fixed income and alternatives. These funds are designed to provide investors with diversified exposure to multiple markets while managing risk.

Alternative Funds: Our alternative funds invest in non-traditional assets such as infrastructure projects or private equity investments. These investments can provide attractive returns but also carry higher risks than traditional investments.

Investment Philosophy

At Jupiter Capital Management UK we believe that active management can add value by identifying opportunities that are not reflected in market prices. We take an unconstrained approach which means we do not limit ourselves to any particular benchmark or index when selecting investments for our portfolios.

We focus on fundamental analysis which involves researching individual companies or securities rather than relying solely on macroeconomic factors such as interest rates or GDP growth rates. This allows us to identify undervalued assets which may be overlooked by other investors.

Risk management is also an important part of our investment process. We use sophisticated tools and techniques to manage risk at both the portfolio level as well as at individual security level.

Corporate Governance

At Jupiter Capital Management UK we take corporate governance seriously because it helps us maintain transparency with our stakeholders while ensuring accountability within our organization.

We have established policies regarding conflicts of interest between employees’ personal interests versus those of clients; insider trading; anti-bribery; whistleblowing; data protection among others.

Shareholder Information

As part of our commitment towards transparency with shareholders we publish regular reports detailing financial performance along with other relevant information about Jupiter’s operations.


In conclusion Jupiter Capital Management UK is an established fund management group offering diverse solutions for investors looking for long-term returns through active management strategies backed up by rigorous research processes.

If you’re interested in learning more about how Jupiter can help you achieve your financial goals please visit

Jupiter Capital Management, UK

Jupiter Capital Management, UK
