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About Julie Rogers "Gift of Life" Program

Julie Rogers Gift of Life Program: Saving Lives in Southeast Texas

The Julie Rogers Gift of Life Program is a non-profit organization that has been dedicated to saving lives in Southeast Texas for over 25 years. The program provides cancer education, free mammograms and prostate cancer screenings (with access to follow up treatment) for women and men in need, and a comprehensive anti-tobacco and vaping prevention program.

Cancer is a devastating disease that affects millions of people worldwide. In the United States alone, it is estimated that there will be over 1.8 million new cases of cancer diagnosed in 2021. Cancer can strike anyone at any time, regardless of age or gender. It is important to catch cancer early so that it can be treated effectively.

The Julie Rogers Gift of Life Program understands the importance of early detection when it comes to cancer. That's why they offer free mammograms and prostate cancer screenings to women and men who are uninsured or underinsured. These screenings are essential for catching breast and prostate cancers early when they are most treatable.

In addition to providing free mammograms and prostate cancer screenings, the Julie Rogers Gift of Life Program also offers access to follow-up treatment for those who need it. This ensures that patients receive the care they need even after their initial screening.

But the Julie Rogers Gift of Life Program doesn't just focus on screening for cancer; they also provide comprehensive education on how to prevent it from occurring in the first place. Their anti-tobacco and vaping prevention program aims to educate young people about the dangers associated with smoking cigarettes or using e-cigarettes.

Tobacco use is one of the leading causes of preventable death worldwide, causing more than 7 million deaths each year according to WHO (World Health Organization). The Julie Rogers Gift Of Life Program works tirelessly towards reducing tobacco use among young people by educating them about its harmful effects on health through various programs such as school-based presentations, community events etc..

The organization has made significant strides towards reducing tobacco use among young people since its inception by partnering with schools across Southeast Texas region where students learn about healthy lifestyle choices including avoiding tobacco products like cigarettes or e-cigarettes/vaping devices which have become increasingly popular among teenagers due their easy availability online/offline stores without proper age verification checks which makes them vulnerable target audience especially during COVID-19 pandemic times where stress levels have increased manifold due social isolation measures imposed by governments across world.

Overall, The Julie Rogers Gift Of Life Program has been instrumental in saving countless lives throughout Southeast Texas through their dedication towards providing free mammograms/prostate-cancer-screenings along with follow-up treatments as well as educating youth about dangers associated with tobacco usage thereby helping reduce incidence rates related cancers caused by smoking/vaping habits amongst younger generation which will help create healthier communities now & future generations too!

Julie Rogers "Gift of Life" Program

Julie Rogers "Gift of Life" Program