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About Jewish Federation of Rhode Island

Jewish Federation of Rhode Island: Strengthening the Community through Unity

The Jewish Federation of Rhode Island, also known as the Jewish Alliance of Greater Rhode Island, is a non-profit organization that serves the entire Greater Rhode Island community. The Alliance has been working tirelessly for over 100 years to strengthen and support the Jewish community in Rhode Island by providing various programs and services.

The mission of the Jewish Federation of Rhode Island is to bring together all members of the community, regardless of their background or affiliation, to work towards a common goal - building a stronger and more vibrant community. The Alliance achieves this by focusing on three main areas: caring for those in need, ensuring a strong future for our children and grandchildren, and supporting Israel.

Caring for Those in Need

One of the primary goals of the Jewish Federation is to provide assistance to those who are most vulnerable in our community. This includes seniors who may be isolated or struggling financially, families who are facing financial hardship or crisis situations such as illness or job loss, and individuals with disabilities.

Through its partner agencies such as Jewish Family Service (JFS), JFRI provides critical services such as counseling, case management, food assistance programs like Kosher Food Pantry & Meals on Wheels program which delivers meals directly to homebound seniors. These services help ensure that everyone in our community has access to basic needs like food security & mental health support.

Ensuring a Strong Future for Our Children

The future success of any community depends on its ability to invest in its youth. That's why another key focus area for JFRI is providing educational opportunities that help young people develop into responsible adults who can contribute positively back into society.

Jewish Alliance offers several programs designed specifically for children including summer camps like Camp JORI where kids can enjoy outdoor activities while learning about their heritage & culture; PJ Library which provides free books every month about Judaism stories; BBYO (B'nai B'rith Youth Organization) which offers leadership development opportunities through social events & service projects throughout RI area.

Supporting Israel

As an organization rooted deeply within Judaism faith tradition , it's no surprise that supporting Israel is one important aspect at JFRI . The alliance works closely with other organizations across America including American-Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) , StandWithUs , Friends Of IDF etc., advocating pro-Israel policies at local state level government officials .

In addition they also organize trips so members can visit Israel firsthand experience country’s rich history culture while connecting with locals there too!


In conclusion,Jewish Federation Of Rhode Island plays an important role within Greater RI area by bringing together diverse communities under one roof . They offer wide range programs from education initiatives aimed at strengthening next generation leaders; care services helping vulnerable populations ; advocacy efforts promoting pro-Israel policies locally statewide levels government officials . With over 100 years experience serving RI residents , it's clear why they continue remain vital part fabric this region today!

Jewish Federation of Rhode Island

Jewish Federation of Rhode Island
