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About Invest europe

Invest Europe: Connecting and Informing the Private Equity Community Across Europe

Invest Europe, formerly known as EVCA (European Private Equity & Venture Capital Association), is a non-profit organization that represents the private equity community across Europe. With over 800 member firms, Invest Europe is the largest association of its kind in Europe. The organization's mission is to connect and inform private equity firms and stakeholders across the industry.

Invest Europe was founded in 1983 with a vision to promote private equity as an asset class and to encourage investment in European businesses. Since then, it has grown into a powerful force for change within the industry. The organization provides a platform for members to network, share knowledge, and collaborate on initiatives that benefit both their own businesses and the wider economy.

One of Invest Europe's key roles is advocacy. The organization works closely with policymakers at both national and European levels to ensure that regulations are fair, proportionate, and supportive of private equity investment. It also promotes best practices within the industry through its professional standards program.

Another important function of Invest Europe is research. The organization produces regular reports on trends within the industry, including fundraising activity, deal flow, exit markets, and performance data. This information helps investors make informed decisions about where to allocate their capital.

In addition to these core activities, Invest Europe offers a range of services designed to support its members' businesses. These include training programs for professionals working in private equity firms; events such as conferences and networking sessions; access to databases containing information on potential investments; and marketing support for member firms looking to raise their profile within the industry.

Investing in European Businesses

Private equity investment plays an important role in driving economic growth across Europe by providing capital for companies at all stages of development – from start-ups through growth phases all the way up to mature businesses seeking expansion or restructuring opportunities.

Investors who choose this asset class typically seek higher returns than those available from more traditional investments such as stocks and bonds. Private equity firms achieve these returns by taking an active role in the management of their portfolio companies, working closely with management teams to drive growth and improve operational efficiency.

Invest Europe's members are active investors across a wide range of sectors, including healthcare, technology, energy, and consumer goods. They invest in businesses of all sizes – from small start-ups to large multinational corporations – and across all stages of development.

The organization's members also play an important role in supporting innovation within the European economy. By providing capital to early-stage companies with innovative ideas or technologies, private equity firms help to bring new products and services to market that can benefit society as a whole.

Investing Responsibly

As well as promoting best practices within the industry through its professional standards program, Invest Europe is committed to promoting responsible investment practices among its members. This includes encouraging firms to consider environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors when making investment decisions.

By taking a responsible approach to investing, private equity firms can help create long-term value for their portfolio companies while also contributing positively to society more broadly. This might involve investing in businesses that have a positive impact on the environment or that promote social inclusion; or it might involve working with portfolio companies on initiatives such as reducing carbon emissions or improving labor standards.


Invest Europe plays a vital role in connecting and informing the private equity community across Europe. Through its advocacy work, research activities, training programs, events and other services it provides valuable support for its members' businesses while also promoting best practices within the industry more broadly.

As investors continue to seek higher returns than those available from traditional asset classes such as stocks and bonds they will increasingly turn towards alternative investments like private equity. By providing capital for businesses at all stages of development across a wide range of sectors Invest Europe's members are helping drive economic growth across Europe while also supporting innovation within our economy more broadly.