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About Initiative foundation

The Initiative Foundation: Empowering Central Minnesota Communities

The Initiative Foundation is a non-profit organization that has been serving the 14 counties of Central Minnesota for over 30 years. With a mission to empower communities and individuals, the foundation provides business loans, grants, public-private partnerships and thought leadership to support economic growth and development in the region.

As one of the largest community foundations in Minnesota, The Initiative Foundation has played a vital role in shaping the economic landscape of Central Minnesota. The foundation's work has helped create jobs, build businesses and strengthen local economies across the region.

Business Loans

One of The Initiative Foundation's core services is providing business loans to entrepreneurs and small businesses. These loans are designed to help start-ups get off the ground or existing businesses expand their operations. With flexible terms and competitive interest rates, these loans have helped countless businesses achieve success.


In addition to business loans, The Initiative Foundation also offers grants to organizations that are working towards community development goals. These grants can be used for a variety of purposes such as building infrastructure or supporting education initiatives.

Public-Private Partnerships

The foundation also works closely with public and private partners to develop innovative solutions for community challenges. By bringing together different stakeholders from across sectors, The Initiative Foundation is able to leverage resources more effectively and create lasting impact in communities throughout Central Minnesota.

Thought Leadership

Finally, The Initiative Foundation serves as a thought leader on issues related to economic development in rural areas. Through research reports, policy briefs and other publications, they provide valuable insights into best practices for promoting sustainable growth in small towns and rural areas.


Overall, The Initiative Foundation plays an important role in supporting economic growth and development throughout Central Minnesota. Their commitment to empowering individuals and communities through business loans, grants, public-private partnerships and thought leadership has made them an invaluable resource for entrepreneurs looking to start or grow their businesses as well as organizations working towards community development goals.

Initiative foundation

Initiative foundation
