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About High technology development corporation

High Technology Development Corporation: Revolutionizing the Future of Hawaii

Are you looking for a company that is dedicated to driving innovation and technological advancement in Hawaii? Look no further than the High Technology Development Corporation (HTDC). With a mission to foster economic growth and diversification through technology, HTDC has been at the forefront of Hawaii's tech industry for over 30 years.

Founded in 1983, HTDC has played an instrumental role in transforming Hawaii's economy from one based on tourism and agriculture to one that embraces cutting-edge technology. The corporation provides funding, mentorship, and resources to startups and established companies alike, helping them bring their ideas to life and grow their businesses.

One of HTDC's key initiatives is its Innovation Grants program. This program provides funding to early-stage companies working on innovative projects in fields such as clean energy, life sciences, aerospace, and more. By supporting these startups with seed money when they need it most, HTDC helps them get off the ground and start making an impact.

In addition to its grant programs, HTDC also offers a range of other services designed to help entrepreneurs succeed. These include access to coworking spaces at its Manoa Innovation Center (MIC), mentorship from experienced business leaders through its Entrepreneurs Sandbox program, and assistance with navigating government regulations through its Small Business Regulatory Review Board.

But perhaps what sets HTDC apart most is its commitment not just to fostering individual businesses but also building up entire industries within Hawaii. The corporation has identified several key areas where it believes Hawaii can become a leader in technology: cybersecurity; ocean science; space exploration; renewable energy; health innovation; creative media; agriculture technology; advanced manufacturing; artificial intelligence/machine learning/big data analytics.

To support these industries' growth within the state fully., HTDC works closely with government agencies like the Department of Business Economic Development & Tourism (DBEDT) as well as private sector partners such as Hawaiian Electric Company (HECO) or Blue Planet Foundation. Together they are creating an ecosystem that supports innovation across all sectors while ensuring that local talent stays rooted here rather than moving away due lack opportunities elsewhere.

Overall if you're looking for a company committed not only driving technological advancement but also building up entire industries within our state then look no further than High Technology Development Corporation!

High technology development corporation

High technology development corporation