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About Grantmakers in health

Grantmakers in Health: Improving the Health of All People

Grantmakers in Health (GIH) is a nonprofit, educational organization that is committed to improving the health of all people. The organization works with foundations and corporate giving programs to help them develop effective strategies for addressing health issues and promoting wellness.

GIH was founded in 1982 by a group of foundation leaders who recognized the need for a forum where grantmakers could come together to share information, ideas, and best practices related to health philanthropy. Today, GIH has grown into a vibrant community of more than 300 foundations and corporate giving programs that are dedicated to improving health outcomes across the United States.

One of GIH's primary goals is to promote equity in healthcare. The organization recognizes that there are significant disparities in access to quality healthcare services among different populations, including low-income individuals, people of color, and rural communities. To address these disparities, GIH works with its members to develop funding strategies that prioritize underserved communities and support initiatives aimed at reducing barriers to care.

In addition to promoting equity in healthcare, GIH also focuses on advancing population health. This means working with its members to identify root causes of poor health outcomes – such as poverty, lack of education or access to healthy food – and developing interventions that address these underlying factors. By taking this approach, GIH aims not only improve individual health but also create healthier communities overall.

To achieve its mission of improving the health all people through philanthropy , Grantmakers In Health offers several resources for its members including webinars , conferences , publications , research reports etc . These resources provide valuable insights into emerging trends within the field as well as practical guidance on how grantmakers can maximize their impact .

Overall Grantmakers In Health plays an important role within the philanthropic community by helping funders develop effective strategies for addressing complex public-health challenges . Through collaboration between funders , nonprofits organizations & other stakeholders they aim towards creating healthier & equitable society .

Grantmakers in health

Grantmakers in health