Reviews 13
Most recent
4 years ago

Awesome and outstanding. They help youth. They hav...

Awesome and outstanding. They help youth. They have a ranch for needy children. Help train Sheriff's staff. They do public awareness programs.

I've been a member for over 14 years and counting.

They are good for Sheriff's and the public alike.

Chief Jones, Colonel

4 years ago

The most incentive and uncaring people on the phon...

The most incentive and uncaring people on the phone ever. You think you can harass people just because you are law enforcement but it doesnt work that way. I have received so many calls since telemarketing became legal for cell phone asking to speak to the head of household, repeatedly advising to not call me again, explaining why I do not want or need to be contacted again. Let me out this out there, I have a son who will be 8 months old on Christmas day, he was diagnosed a short time ago with Spinal Muscualr Atrophy Type 1 and may not even live to see his 2nd birthday. We have been bbn in the hospital the last 3 weeks battling respiratory failure. Instead of resuming my normal job once he was diagnosed, my days are now spent battling the DME company, battling th insurance company, organizing doctor appointments and procedures. 1. I need my phone line open in case someone of in mporarnce actually tries to contact me. 2. I guarantee if I called you and asked you to donate to my cause, the answer would be a very swift no! Now Gary,when I explained this to him said I can clearly see you're not interested in supporting your Sheriff's Assosciation, I will remove you from the list. I'm not interested! There was no I'm sorry to hear nor any other type of compassion. Today, while I sit in the hospital, I received yet another call from Paul asking me to donate once again. I advised I've asked twice before not to be contacted and this is bordering harassment. He very quickly advised these calls were provided by the Glorida Sheriff's Assosciation at and proceeded to rattle off a phone number so quickly ad as I was asking him to slow down and repeat it, just hangs up. No wonder nobody "likes" law enforcement officers. Look at how you treat people. Don't ask the people to give their hard earned dollars if you aren't willing to give one hard earned courtesy and respect. If I receive another phone call, I will pursue harassment charges to the fullest, I dont give a damn if you are law enforcement and yes the numbers they come from have been verified as belonging to your organization. Keep that in mind before you call again.

About Florida Sheriffs Association

The Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) is a non-profit organization that has been serving the law-enforcement and corrections communities in the state of Florida for over 100 years. The FSA provides a wide range of services to its members, including training, public safety legislation, and networking among agencies. The association also invests in prevention through the Florida Sheriffs Youth Ranches.

One of the primary goals of the FSA is to provide training and education to law-enforcement officers and other members of the criminal justice community. The association offers a variety of training programs on topics such as leadership development, crime prevention, and community policing. These programs are designed to help officers stay up-to-date with the latest techniques and best practices in their field.

In addition to providing training, the FSA also works closely with state legislators on public safety issues. The association advocates for laws that will enhance public safety while protecting individual rights. This includes supporting measures that address issues such as domestic violence, human trafficking, and drug abuse.

Another important function of the FSA is networking among agencies. By bringing together law-enforcement professionals from across Florida, the association helps foster collaboration and information-sharing between different departments. This can be especially valuable when dealing with complex cases or situations that require multiple agencies to work together.

Finally, one of the most unique aspects of the FSA is its investment in prevention through its support for youth ranches throughout Florida. These ranches provide at-risk children with a safe place to live while teaching them important life skills such as responsibility and self-discipline.

Overall, it's clear that the Florida Sheriffs Association plays an essential role in promoting public safety throughout Florida by providing training opportunities for law enforcement professionals; advocating for effective legislation; fostering collaboration between different agencies; investing in prevention through youth ranches; all while maintaining high standards within their organization itself.
If you're looking for an organization dedicated to making our communities safer places to live - look no further than The Florida Sheriffs Association!

Florida Sheriffs Association

Florida Sheriffs Association