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About Fieldbit ltd.

Fieldbit Ltd. is a leading provider of industrial augmented reality (AR) solutions for field service organizations. The company has developed a powerful AR platform that enables field technicians to access real-time information and expert guidance from remote experts, improving efficiency, reducing expenses, and enhancing the customer experience.

Fieldbit's AR platform is designed to help organizations overcome the challenges of modern field service operations. With the increasing complexity of industrial equipment and systems, it can be difficult for field technicians to diagnose problems and perform repairs without expert assistance. Fieldbit's AR platform solves this problem by providing technicians with access to remote experts who can guide them through complex procedures in real-time.

The key advantage of Fieldbit's AR platform is its ability to provide visual guidance that helps technicians understand complex procedures more easily. By using augmented reality technology, Fieldbit can overlay digital information onto physical objects in the technician's environment, making it easier for them to identify parts and components and understand how they fit together.

In addition to providing visual guidance, Fieldbit's AR platform also includes advanced collaboration tools that enable remote experts to work closely with on-site technicians in real-time. This allows organizations to leverage their existing expertise more effectively while reducing travel costs and downtime associated with traditional support models.

Fieldbit has also partnered with Help Lightning, a leading provider of virtual expertise software solutions for enterprises across various industries such as healthcare providers or manufacturers. Together they offer an integrated solution that combines Help Lightning’s virtual expertise software with Fieldbit’s industrial AR platform for field service operations.

With this combined power of Help Lightning and Fieldbit’s industrial AR platform for field service operations, your organization can gain efficiency by reducing travel time between sites while still maintaining product expertise across all locations worldwide; reduce expenses by minimizing travel costs associated with traditional support models; improve customer experience by providing faster response times when issues arise; maintain product expertise by leveraging existing knowledge within your organization more effectively than ever before!

In conclusion, Fieldbit Ltd. is a leading provider of industrial AR solutions for field service organizations. With its powerful AR platform and advanced collaboration tools, Fieldbit is helping organizations overcome the challenges of modern field service operations by providing technicians with real-time access to expert guidance and visual information that helps them perform repairs more efficiently and effectively. By partnering with Help Lightning, Fieldbit has created an integrated solution that offers even greater benefits to organizations looking to improve their field service operations.