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About Faculdade ebramec

Faculdade EBRAMEC: Your Gateway to Excellence in Chinese Medicine Education

Faculdade EBRAMEC is a renowned international center of excellence that has been providing specialized education in the field of Chinese medicine for over 19 years. With a strong commitment to quality education and research, Faculdade EBRAMEC has established itself as a leading institution in the field of alternative medicine.

At Faculdade EBRAMEC, we believe that education is the key to unlocking one's potential and achieving success. Our mission is to provide our students with the knowledge, skills, and practical experience they need to become successful practitioners of Chinese medicine.

Our faculty comprises highly qualified professionals who are experts in their respective fields. They bring with them years of experience and expertise that they impart through our comprehensive curriculum. Our courses are designed to provide students with a solid foundation in traditional Chinese medicine theory, diagnosis, treatment methods, acupuncture techniques, herbal remedies, nutrition therapy and more.

We offer various programs ranging from short-term courses for beginners to advanced degree programs for those seeking professional certification or licensure. Our programs are tailored to meet the needs of students at different levels of proficiency and experience.

Our state-of-the-art facilities include modern classrooms equipped with audio-visual aids that enhance learning experiences. We also have well-equipped laboratories where students can practice their skills under expert guidance.

At Faculdade EBRAMEC we understand that learning does not end within the classroom walls; therefore we offer opportunities for our students to participate in internships at various clinics across Brazil where they can gain hands-on experience working alongside experienced practitioners.

We take pride in our commitment towards research which enables us not only stay up-to-date but also contribute towards advancing knowledge on traditional Chinese medicine practices globally. We have an active research department which conducts studies on various aspects related to traditional Chinese medicine including acupuncture techniques efficacy studies among others.

Faculdade EBRAMEC is accredited by the Brazilian Ministry of Education and is recognized internationally for its quality education. Our graduates are highly sought after by employers in Brazil and abroad.

In conclusion, Faculdade EBRAMEC is your gateway to excellence in Chinese medicine education. We offer a comprehensive curriculum, experienced faculty, state-of-the-art facilities, opportunities for practical experience and research that will prepare you to become a successful practitioner of traditional Chinese medicine. Join us today and take the first step towards achieving your dreams!

Faculdade ebramec

Faculdade ebramec
