Escola Secundária Rafael Bordalo Pinheiro

Escola Secundária Rafael Bordalo Pinheiro Review

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3 years ago

Very good school with many good facilities, very w...

Very good school with many good facilities, very welcoming and friendly staff, the atmosphere among students is positive and always calm, there is only one problem, in the office most of the time they do not know how to give concrete information to students, especially about the exams my case turned out to harm me by the wrong information and that may be insignificant for those who work there but that to me may have cost dearly in the future.

3 years ago

As a whole is a good school for your children to s...

As a whole is a good school for your children to study, a few years ago when I studied there left much to be desired, but truth be told they have done various works and are always improving the conditions of the school to give the most comfort and I support the students, so I am not saying that it is perfect because if it were they would not let the students smoke in front of the school without saying anything to them. It's like everything in life, how good it is, it's bad.

About Escola Secundária Rafael Bordalo Pinheiro

Escola Secundária Rafael Bordalo Pinheiro: A Comprehensive Guide

The Agrupamento de Escolas Rafael Bordalo Pinheiro (AERBP) is a renowned educational institution located in the Caldas da Rainha municipality of Portugal. The school comprises 14 different institutions, including the Escola Secundária Rafael Bordalo Pinheiro, which is the focus of this article.

Escola Secundária Rafael Bordalo Pinheiro is a secondary school that offers education to students from grades 7 to 12. The school has a rich history and has been providing quality education for over five decades. It was founded in 1965 and named after one of Portugal's most famous artists, Rafael Bordalo Pinheiro.

The school's mission is to provide an excellent education that prepares students for their future careers while also instilling values such as respect, responsibility, and integrity. The faculty at Escola Secundária Rafael Bordalo Pinheiro consists of highly qualified teachers who are passionate about their work and dedicated to helping students achieve their full potential.


Escola Secundária Rafael Bordalo Pinheiro offers a comprehensive curriculum that covers all major subjects such as mathematics, science, social studies, language arts, physical education, and foreign languages. The school also provides specialized courses in areas such as music and art.

The academic program at Escola Secundária Rafael Bordalo Pinheiro emphasizes critical thinking skills and problem-solving abilities. Students are encouraged to think creatively and independently while also developing strong communication skills through group projects and presentations.

Extracurricular Activities

In addition to academics, Escola Secundária Rafael Bordalo Pinheiro offers a wide range of extracurricular activities that allow students to explore their interests outside the classroom. These activities include sports teams like basketball or soccer clubs; music groups like choir or band; drama productions; debate teams; robotics clubs; community service projects - just name it!

These extracurricular activities help students develop leadership skills while also fostering teamwork abilities among peers with similar interests.


Escola Secundária Rafael Bordalo Pinheiro boasts state-of-the-art facilities designed with student comfort in mind. Classrooms are spacious with modern equipment like projectors or interactive whiteboards installed for better learning experiences.

There are well-equipped science labs where experiments can be conducted safely under expert supervision by trained professionals who ensure safety protocols are followed strictly throughout every experiment session held within these labs' walls!

Sports facilities include indoor gyms equipped with basketball courts or volleyball nets along outdoor fields where soccer games can be played during recess periods when weather permits it! There's even an Olympic-sized swimming pool on campus available for use by both staff members & pupils alike!

Technology Integration

At Escola Secundária Rafael Bordalo Pinheiro technology integration plays an essential role in enhancing teaching methods & learning outcomes among its student population! Teachers use various technological tools like interactive whiteboards or tablets loaded with educational apps designed specifically for each subject taught within classrooms' walls!

Students have access not only via computer labs but also through personal devices they bring from home if they wish so long as they comply with strict guidelines set forth by the institution regarding internet usage policies & security measures put into place across all networks used on campus grounds!

Community Involvement

Escola Secundária Rafael Bordalo Pinheiros takes pride in being actively involved within its local community! Students participate regularly in volunteer programs aimed at improving living conditions around them while promoting social awareness campaigns targeting issues affecting society today - poverty reduction initiatives being one example worth mentioning here due mainly because it aligns perfectly well with United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


In conclusion: If you're looking for an excellent secondary school experience that provides quality education alongside opportunities beyond academics alone - look no further than Escola Secundaria Raphael Boraldo Pinnhero! With its comprehensive curriculum covering all major subjects plus specialized courses tailored towards individual interests coupled together alongside state-of-the-art facilities designed specifically around student comfort needs- there really isn't anything else quite like this institution anywhere else out there today!

Escola Secundária Rafael Bordalo Pinheiro

Escola Secundária Rafael Bordalo Pinheiro
