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About Cyft inc

Cyft Inc: Revolutionizing Healthcare with Advanced Analytics

Cyft Inc is a healthcare technology company that specializes in providing advanced analytics solutions to providers caring for frail elderly populations. The company's mission is to help these providers succeed in value-based contracting by reducing costs, improving outcomes, and steering limited resources to where they're needed most.

With the increasing demand for quality healthcare services, Cyft Inc has emerged as a game-changer in the industry. The company's innovative approach to data analytics has helped many healthcare providers achieve better patient outcomes while reducing costs.

At Cyft Inc, the focus is on using contract-specific advanced analytics to provide insights into patient care and resource allocation. By analyzing large amounts of data from various sources such as electronic health records (EHRs), claims data, and social determinants of health (SDOH), Cyft can identify patterns and trends that can help providers make informed decisions about patient care.

One of the key features of Cyft's analytics platform is its ability to predict adverse events before they occur. This predictive modeling helps providers intervene early and prevent costly hospitalizations or readmissions. Additionally, Cyft's platform provides real-time alerts when patients are at risk for adverse events or when there are gaps in care.

Another area where Cyft excels is in identifying high-risk patients who require more intensive interventions. By analyzing data from multiple sources, including SDOH factors such as housing instability or food insecurity, Cyft can identify patients who are at risk for poor health outcomes and prioritize them for targeted interventions.

Cyft also offers a suite of tools designed specifically for value-based contracting. These tools help providers track performance metrics such as cost savings and quality measures so they can demonstrate their value to payers.

In addition to its advanced analytics platform, Cyft offers consulting services designed to help healthcare organizations implement value-based care models successfully. The company's team of experts works closely with clients to develop customized solutions that meet their unique needs.

Overall, Cyft Inc represents a significant step forward in the use of advanced analytics in healthcare. Its innovative approach has already helped many providers achieve better patient outcomes while reducing costs – making it an essential partner for any organization looking to succeed under value-based contracting models.