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About Chiper

Chiper: Revolutionizing the Corner Store Retail Market in Latin America

Chiper is a leading B2B e-commerce ecosystem that has been transforming the corner store retail market in Latin America. The company has been providing innovative solutions to small and medium-sized businesses, enabling them to compete with larger retailers and expand their reach.

With its headquarters in Bogota, Colombia, Chiper was founded in 2018 by Miguel McAllister, Jose Jair Bonilla, and Oscar Sarria. The company's mission is to empower small retailers by providing them with access to a wide range of products at competitive prices through its online platform.

Chiper's business model is based on connecting suppliers directly with retailers through its platform. This eliminates intermediaries and reduces costs for both parties. The company offers a wide range of products including groceries, beverages, snacks, personal care items, cleaning supplies and more.

One of the key features of Chiper's platform is its user-friendly interface that allows retailers to easily browse through products and place orders online. The platform also provides real-time inventory updates so that retailers can keep track of their stock levels.

Chiper has been successful in attracting a large number of suppliers who are looking for new channels to reach customers. By partnering with Chiper, suppliers can expand their customer base without having to invest heavily in marketing or distribution channels.

The company has also been successful in building strong relationships with its customers by providing excellent customer service. Retailers can contact Chiper's support team via phone or email if they have any questions or concerns about their orders.

In addition to its core business operations, Chiper has also launched several initiatives aimed at supporting small businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic. These include offering free delivery services for orders over a certain amount as well as providing financial assistance to struggling businesses.

Overall, Chiper has emerged as a game-changer in the corner store retail market in Latin America by leveraging technology to provide innovative solutions to small and medium-sized businesses. With its user-friendly platform, competitive prices, and excellent customer service, the company is well-positioned to continue its growth trajectory in the years ahead.