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About Charlie house hq

Charlie House HQ: Supporting Children with Life-Limiting Conditions

Charlie House HQ is a non-profit organization that provides support to children who have life-limiting or life-threatening conditions. The organization was founded in 2011 by Tracy Johnstone, whose son Charlie had a rare genetic condition called mitochondrial depletion syndrome. Charlie passed away at the age of eight, but his legacy lives on through the work of Charlie House HQ.

The mission of Charlie House HQ is to help children and their families live life to the full and make memories that will last a lifetime. The organization provides practical and emotional support to families who are facing some of the toughest challenges imaginable.

One of the key services offered by Charlie House HQ is respite care. This gives parents and carers a much-needed break from their caring responsibilities, allowing them to recharge their batteries and take care of themselves for a while. Respite care can be provided in various settings, including at home or in specialist facilities.

Another important service offered by Charlie House HQ is end-of-life care. When a child's condition becomes terminal, it can be an incredibly difficult time for everyone involved. The team at Charlie House HQ works closely with families to provide compassionate support during this challenging period.

In addition to these core services, Charlie House HQ also offers various other forms of support. This includes counseling for parents and siblings, financial assistance for families who are struggling financially due to their child's illness, and practical help such as transportation or home adaptations.

One thing that sets Charlie House HQ apart from other organizations is its focus on making memories for families. The team works hard to create special experiences that will bring joy into the lives of children who may not have many opportunities left. This could include anything from trips out with family members or friends, visits from favorite celebrities or sports stars, or even just simple things like having a birthday party at home.

Overall, there are many reasons why you should support Charlie House HQ. Not only does the organization provide vital support to families who are going through incredibly tough times, but it also helps to create lasting memories that will be treasured for years to come. If you're looking for a way to make a difference in the lives of children with life-limiting conditions, then Charlie House HQ is definitely worth considering.