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About Btg labs

BTG Labs: The Ultimate Solution for Adhesion Failure in Manufacturing

Are you tired of dealing with adhesion failure in your manufacturing process? Do you want to improve the quality of your bonding, coating, sealing, painting, or printing processes? Look no further than BTG Labs.

BTG Labs is a leading provider of surface analysis solutions that help manufacturers control critical surfaces and eliminate adhesion failure. With over 15 years of experience in the industry, BTG Labs has developed cutting-edge technology that allows manufacturers to analyze and optimize their surfaces for maximum adhesion quality.

At BTG Labs, we understand the importance of adhesion quality in manufacturing. Poor adhesion can lead to product defects, production delays, and increased costs. That's why we've made it our mission to provide our customers with the tools they need to achieve optimal adhesion performance.

Our flagship product is the Surface Analyst™ - a handheld device that measures surface energy and identifies contaminants on critical surfaces. By using this device before bonding or coating processes take place, manufacturers can ensure that their surfaces are clean and optimized for maximum adhesion performance.

In addition to our Surface Analyst™ device, we also offer a range of other products and services designed to help manufacturers improve their surface analysis capabilities. These include:

- Surface Energy Mapping: A comprehensive analysis service that provides detailed information about surface energy distribution across an entire part or component.
- Training & Support: We offer training programs and ongoing support services to help our customers get the most out of our products.
- Custom Solutions: We work closely with our customers to develop custom solutions tailored specifically to their unique needs.

At BTG Labs, we're committed not only to providing top-quality products but also exceptional customer service. Our team of experts is always available to answer questions and provide guidance on how best to use our products for optimal results.

So if you're looking for a solution that will help you eliminate adhesion failure in your manufacturing process once and for all - look no further than BTG Labs. With our cutting-edge technology and unparalleled expertise in surface analysis solutions - we're confident that we can help you achieve optimal results every time.