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Boyalife Group: A Global Biopharmaceutical Holding Company

Boyalife Group, formerly known as the International Consortium of Stem Cell Research (INCOSC), is a privately-held global biopharmaceutical holding company that was founded in 2009. With 30 subsidiaries and affiliated companies operating in three distinct business segments, Boyalife Group has established itself as a leader in the field of regenerative medicine, genomics, and drug discovery.

Headquartered in Wuxi City, China, Boyalife Group maintains operations in Tianjin, Guangzhou, Beijing and Seoul. The company's mission is to improve human health by developing innovative therapies that address unmet medical needs.

Cellular Processing and Biobanking for Regenerative Medicine

One of Boyalife Group's core business segments is cellular processing and biobanking for regenerative medicine. The company specializes in the development of CAR-T cell therapies and other emerging immunotherapies that have shown great promise in treating cancer patients.

CAR-T cell therapy involves extracting T-cells from a patient's blood sample and genetically modifying them to target cancer cells. These modified T-cells are then infused back into the patient's body where they can seek out and destroy cancer cells with remarkable precision.

Boyalife Group has invested heavily in this technology over the years and has developed several CAR-T cell therapies that are currently undergoing clinical trials. If successful, these therapies could revolutionize cancer treatment by providing patients with more effective options than traditional chemotherapy or radiation therapy.


Another key area of focus for Boyalife Group is genomics research. The company has established several partnerships with leading academic institutions around the world to advance our understanding of genetics and how it relates to human health.

Through these partnerships, Boyalife Group has gained access to cutting-edge technologies such as CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing which allows scientists to make precise changes to DNA sequences within cells. This technology has enormous potential for treating genetic diseases and could one day lead to the development of personalized medicine tailored to an individual's unique genetic makeup.

Drug Discovery

Boyalife Group's third business segment is drug discovery. The company has a team of experienced scientists who are dedicated to identifying new drug targets and developing novel therapies that can address unmet medical needs.

Boyalife Group's drug discovery efforts are focused on several key areas including oncology, neurology, and infectious diseases. The company has established partnerships with leading pharmaceutical companies around the world to accelerate the development of these therapies.


In conclusion, Boyalife Group is a global biopharmaceutical holding company that is at the forefront of regenerative medicine, genomics research, and drug discovery. With 30 subsidiaries and affiliated companies operating in three distinct business segments, Boyalife Group has established itself as a leader in the field of biotechnology.

The company's commitment to improving human health through innovative therapies is evident in its investment in CAR-T cell therapy, genomics research, and drug discovery. If successful, these efforts could have a profound impact on human health by providing patients with more effective treatments for cancer and other diseases.

Overall, Boyalife Group represents an exciting opportunity for investors looking to capitalize on the growing demand for innovative biotech solutions that can improve human health.