Reviews 7
Most recent
4 years ago

New place on the 7th floor of a new building next ...

New place on the 7th floor of a new building next to ZCB and with a good beef noodle place nearby. Heavily blockchain-oriented. Private offices lack strong sound isolation, but chairs appear quite comfy.

Spoiler alert: the long-term rental promotions on leaflets and ads are either an embarrassing mistake or a work of fiction. If you don t like traveling to places and spending quality time with sales teams, here are some of the actual prices for Bitwork:

Private offices start at $6k/month for one person for the promo period (first 6 months), after that $9.6k/month.

Dedicated space on a shared desk in a shared office starts at $3k/month during promo period.

Didn t check hot desks.

Deposit is one or two months in advance depending on the offer.

Wi-Fi connection felt fairly fast and stable, access points were properly password-protected.

About BitWork Consult Ltd

BitWork Consult Ltd: Empowering the Blockchain Community

In today's digital age, blockchain technology has emerged as a game-changer in various industries. It has revolutionized the way we conduct transactions, store data, and interact with each other. However, despite its potential benefits, many businesses and individuals are still unaware of how to leverage this technology to their advantage.

This is where BitWork Consult Ltd comes in. BitWork is a blockchain community-based enterprise that aims to empower all blockchain companies in the community to develop their unknown market value. We also provide individuals with access to blockchain technology or experience opportunities to incubate all parties in the blockchain industry.

Our Mission

At BitWork Consult Ltd, our mission is simple - we want to create an ecosystem where everyone can benefit from the power of blockchain technology. We believe that by providing access and support for both businesses and individuals alike, we can help drive innovation and growth within the industry.

Our Services

We offer a range of services designed specifically for businesses looking to leverage blockchain technology:

1) Blockchain Consulting: Our team of experts provides consulting services on how best to integrate blockchain into your business operations.

2) Blockchain Development: We offer custom development solutions tailored specifically for your business needs.

3) Smart Contract Development: Our team specializes in developing smart contracts that automate processes within your business operations.

4) Tokenization Services: We assist businesses with tokenizing assets such as real estate or intellectual property rights using our proprietary platform.

5) Marketing & PR Services: Our marketing team helps promote your brand through targeted campaigns across various channels including social media platforms like Twitter or LinkedIn.

For individuals interested in learning more about blockchain technology or gaining hands-on experience working with it, we offer:

1) Workshops & Training Programs: Our workshops cover everything from basic concepts like what is a block chain? To advanced topics such as smart contract development using Solidity programming language on Ethereum network.

2) Incubation Programs : For those who want hands-on experience working with blockchains but don't have any prior knowledge or skills yet; our incubation programs provide mentorship opportunities so you can learn from experienced professionals while building real-world projects together!

Why Choose Us?

There are several reasons why you should choose BitWork Consult Ltd over other companies offering similar services:

1) Expertise - Our team consists of experienced professionals who have been working with blockchains since its inception. They possess deep knowledge about this emerging field which enables them not only understand technical aspects but also identify potential use cases across different industries.

2) Customized Solutions - At Bitwork Consult Ltd., we understand that every business has unique requirements when it comes integrating new technologies into their existing systems; therefore our solutions are tailored specifically according client's needs rather than one-size-fits-all approach.

3) Quality Assurance - We take pride in delivering high-quality work products which meet international standards set by ISO 9001 certification process ensuring quality management system implementation throughout organization

4 ) Competitive Pricing- Despite being one of leading players within industry; our pricing remains competitive without compromising quality deliverables

5 ) Customer Support- At Bitwork Consult Ltd., customer satisfaction always remains top priority hence providing round-the-clock support via email/phone/chatbot ensures prompt resolution any queries/issues faced during engagement period.


In conclusion, if you're looking for a reliable partner who can help you navigate through complex world of blockchains then look no further than Bitwork Consult Ltd! With years' worth expertise under belt coupled customized solutions at competitive prices backed up by excellent customer service; there's no better choice out there when it comes leveraging power behind this revolutionary new tech!

BitWork Consult Ltd

BitWork Consult Ltd