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About Avx

Avx: Connecting High Impact Entrepreneurs to University Research Ventures

The Academic Venture Exchange (AVX) is a unique cooperative pool of talent and ventures sourced from the technology transfer offices (TTO’s) of many leading research institutions in the United States. The company's mission is to better connect high impact entrepreneurs to new ventures emerging from university research.

AVX was founded with the goal of bridging the gap between academia and industry, by providing a platform for entrepreneurs to access cutting-edge research and technologies developed at universities across the country. By partnering with TTOs, AVX has created a network that allows entrepreneurs to tap into a vast array of resources, including intellectual property, patents, licensing agreements, and more.

One of AVX's key strengths is its ability to identify promising new ventures emerging from university research. The company has developed an extensive screening process that evaluates each venture based on its potential for commercial success. This process includes an in-depth analysis of market demand, intellectual property protection, regulatory hurdles, and other factors that can impact a venture's viability.

Once a venture has been identified as having high potential for success, AVX works closely with its team to provide support throughout every stage of development. This includes assistance with business planning and strategy development; access to funding sources such as angel investors or venture capitalists; help with marketing and branding; and more.

In addition to supporting individual ventures, AVX also provides valuable resources for entrepreneurs looking to build their skills or expand their networks. The company hosts regular events such as workshops and networking sessions where entrepreneurs can connect with peers in their field or learn about new trends in technology transfer.

Overall, AVX offers a unique value proposition for both entrepreneurs seeking innovative technologies and TTOs looking for ways to commercialize their research. By leveraging its extensive network of resources and expertise in technology transfer, AVX is helping drive innovation across multiple industries while creating opportunities for economic growth across the country.

If you're an entrepreneur looking for your next big opportunity or a TTO seeking ways to bring your innovations into the marketplace – look no further than Avx!