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About Austin lighthouse

Austin Lighthouse: Empowering the Blind and Vision Impaired to Achieve Employment

Austin Lighthouse, formerly known as Travis Association for the Blind, is a non-profit organization that has been serving the central Texas community since 1934. The organization's mission is to assist people who are blind or vision impaired in attaining the skills they need to become gainfully employed in their community.

The Austin Lighthouse provides a wide range of services and programs that cater to individuals with visual impairments. These services include vocational rehabilitation, job training, employment placement assistance, and independent living skills training. The organization also offers assistive technology solutions such as screen readers, magnifiers, and other adaptive devices that help individuals with visual impairments perform their jobs more effectively.

One of the key programs offered by Austin Lighthouse is its Vocational Rehabilitation Program. This program provides comprehensive vocational rehabilitation services to individuals who are blind or visually impaired. The program includes assessment of an individual's strengths and limitations, development of an individualized plan for employment (IPE), counseling and guidance on career choices, job readiness training including resume writing and interviewing skills development.

Another important program offered by Austin Lighthouse is its Job Placement Services Program. This program helps individuals with visual impairments find suitable employment opportunities in their local communities. The organization works closely with employers in various industries to identify job openings that match the skills and abilities of its clients.

In addition to these programs, Austin Lighthouse also offers Independent Living Skills Training which helps clients develop essential life skills such as cooking, cleaning housekeeping tasks etc., so they can live independently without relying on others' help.

The success stories from Austin lighthouse are numerous; many people have found meaningful work through this non-profit organization's efforts over time! One such story involves a young woman named Sarah who was born blind but had always dreamed of becoming a teacher. With support from Austin lighthouse’s Vocational Rehabilitation Program she was able to achieve her dream by obtaining her teaching degree while receiving accommodations like Braille textbooks & audio recordings during her studies!

Another success story comes from John who lost his sight due to diabetes complications but still wanted independence through work; he received assistance from Job Placement Services Program at Austin lighthouse which helped him secure a position at local grocery store where he could use his customer service experience & knowledge about products!

Austin Lighthouse has been recognized for its outstanding contributions towards empowering people with visual impairments across Texas! It has received several awards including "Employer Partner Award" from Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) recognizing it as one among top employers providing equal opportunities for all Texans regardless of disability status!

In conclusion: If you're looking for an organization dedicated towards helping those with vision impairment achieve independence through meaningful work then look no further than Austin lighthouse! With over 80 years' experience serving central Texas community it has proven track record when it comes down empowering those facing challenges related blindness or low vision conditions!