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About Aifd

AIFD: Providing Access to Innovative Medicines for the Turkish People

AIFD is a leading pharmaceutical company in Turkey that is dedicated to providing innovative and effective medicines to the people of Turkey. The company was founded with a mission to improve access to new and original drugs, as well as contribute towards finding effective solutions for health problems in our country.

At AIFD, we believe that everyone deserves access to high-quality healthcare. That's why we are committed to developing and delivering innovative medicines that can help improve the lives of patients suffering from various diseases. Our team of experts works tirelessly towards discovering new treatments and therapies that can address unmet medical needs.

Our focus on research and development has enabled us to create a diverse portfolio of products across different therapeutic areas such as oncology, cardiology, neurology, gastroenterology, respiratory diseases, infectious diseases, dermatology, and more. We are constantly exploring new avenues for innovation so that we can bring more life-saving drugs into the market.

One of our core values at AIFD is quality. We adhere strictly to international standards when it comes to manufacturing our products. Our state-of-the-art facilities are equipped with cutting-edge technology and staffed by highly trained professionals who ensure that every product meets stringent quality control measures before it reaches patients.

We also place great emphasis on sustainability at AIFD. We recognize our responsibility towards society and the environment in which we operate. That's why we have implemented sustainable practices throughout our operations - from sourcing raw materials responsibly to reducing waste generation during production processes.

At AIFD, we understand the importance of collaboration in achieving success. That's why we work closely with healthcare professionals, patient groups, regulatory bodies, academic institutions and other stakeholders across Turkey's healthcare ecosystem. By collaborating with these partners who share our vision for better health outcomes for all Turks citizens ,we aim at creating an environment where everyone has access not only innovative medicines but also to quality healthcare services.

In conclusion, AIFD is a company that is committed to improving the health and well-being of the Turkish people. We are dedicated to providing access to innovative medicines that can help address unmet medical needs. Our focus on quality, sustainability, and collaboration sets us apart from other pharmaceutical companies in Turkey. We will continue to work towards our mission of contributing towards finding effective solutions for health problems in our country and making a positive impact on society as a whole.