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About Agbu

AGBU: Enhancing the Armenian Experience and Investing in Armenia

AGBU is a non-profit organization that has been working tirelessly to enhance the Armenian experience for over a century. Founded in Cairo, Egypt, in 1906, AGBU has grown into the largest Armenian non-profit organization with chapters and affiliates all over the world.

The mission of AGBU is to ensure that the Armenian culture remains relevant in today's world by leveraging its vast network, providing educational opportunities, showcasing Armenian culture and investing in Armenia and its people.

One of the primary ways that AGBU enhances the Armenian experience is through education. The organization provides scholarships to students around the world who are pursuing higher education. These scholarships cover a wide range of fields including medicine, engineering, law, business administration and more.

In addition to providing financial support for education, AGBU also offers cultural programs that help Armenians connect with their heritage. These programs include language classes as well as music and dance performances.

Another way that AGBU enhances the Armenian experience is by investing in Armenia itself. The organization has been instrumental in supporting economic development projects throughout Armenia such as building schools and hospitals.

AGBU also invests heavily in promoting tourism to Armenia by showcasing its rich history and culture through various events such as festivals celebrating traditional food or music performances featuring local artists.

Through these efforts, AGBU aims to create a strong sense of community among Armenians worldwide while also promoting economic growth within Armenia itself.

One of AGBU's most significant achievements was establishing an endowment fund called "The Centennial Fund" which raised $100 million dollars towards supporting various initiatives aimed at enhancing the Armenian experience globally. This fund supports projects ranging from preserving historical sites like churches or monasteries to funding research on topics related to Armenians' history or culture.

In conclusion, AGBU plays an essential role not only within the global Armenian community but also within Armenia itself. Through its various initiatives aimed at enhancing education opportunities for students worldwide while simultaneously promoting cultural awareness through events like festivals celebrating traditional food or music performances featuring local artists - this non-profit organization continues making strides towards ensuring relevance today's world by leveraging our vast network!