ChaRonn Devereaux

3 years ago

I must say out of all of the staff that I encounte...

I must say out of all of the staff that I encountered- there were only three that appeared to that me any attention. When I first arrived to the hospital yesterday morning at 5:30am, I approached the front desk, I saw the young lady look at me, and then decided to look back down and began fiddling with her cell phone. So I kind of stood there for a second before asking her if I had to grab one of these forms first and she said yes. I grabbed a clipboard and filled out the paper. Th e young lady and some nurses were behind the desk laughing and making jokes. I tried to return the clipboard but had to be buzzed in order to open the window. So the young lady did- never acknowledging me or giving me further direction so I took it upon myself to go sit down and wait. Shortly I was called to the back. Even still, they were all into each other never really acknowledging or speaking to me. Just a lot of inside jokes and laughter going on- I didn t mind 100% bc I wasn t feeling well and didn t really wanna talk. Next I went to a nurse or MA named Israel, still lots of jokes going on. He asked me to have a seat- there was a trash can in the chair. He apologized and mentioned it to the young lady at the front desk where she busted out laughing about it. It just looked so unprofessional for her to think that s funny when A patient is already sick.

With Israel, I was asked my weight, height and a few other questions. I didn t think it would hurt for them to check my weight themselves but okay. after he told me to take a urine test and set it on a red tray when finished before going to wait in the lobby. Shortly after, I received a room. Luckily the entire wait time was quick.

In the room my nurse Ginger came in. She was so sweet and thorough. She was wrapping up the last few minutes of her shift. While she was there Dr. Bundette came in and he was so nice and vibrant! Ginger and Dr. Bundette truly elevated my entire experience! Very kind and heard me out completely.

After Ginger s shift- another nurse named Tamika took over. She was present but kind of stuck strictly to her job. No conversation, no suggestions, I had wrapped my jacket around me because I was freezing- I would ve thought she d offer me a cover at least but I had to request it.

A lady came in to take me to do my xrays. I don t remember her name but she was very sweet!

When I returned Tamika came in to request I do another urine test bc apparently my first one was thrown away :-(. Luckily I was able to.


Upon being discharged, Nurse Tamika came in to have me sign some papers for discharge as well as give me my prescriptions. She unhooked me from all of the plugs but left all of the sticker things that the wires were connected to all over my body. It was just so sloppy. Would it have hurt to take that stuff off of me? After that she literally just walked out the room. I was left there unsure- like at this point do I just walk out? Am I waiting for the Dr? She didn t even say bye. literally.... she just left. No form of communication. Like I couldn t even get escorted back to the front? So after a few moment I kinda navigated my way out and left.

Thank you Dr. Bundette, Ginger and the lady in the X-ray department for making my experience better. The other ones- they should really find new jobs. Especially the young lady at the front desk. how is it that the ones with the Most stressful jobs had the best personalities??.


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